What EU country will steal my gains the least if I move there?

what EU country will steal my gains the least if I move there?

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Go to America instead we've already got too many third world niggers already

I'm in America


The point still stands

Great place to get stabbed

Stay there then the only thing worse than third worlders is annoying sharts.


If America ever collapses my plan is to
1. Learn Arabic
2. Travel to Libya
3. Get on an NGO boat to Italy
4. From there travel to Sweden
5. Collect welfare and build new life

That's what I was thinking. Highly Catholic, lots of sun.

Madrid or Barcelona?

Shoo shoo schizo.

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>Highly Catholic
LMAO 40 years ago maybe. In terms of being retarded feminists Spain is probably second after Sweden. It's Sweden but poor and sunny.

Where can I move that has white people and where women know their place?


>Will be noticeable in mid September
I loved how people actually believed this

Don't listen to this faggot, I travel to Spain regularly and generally they are pretty based
Produce isn't cucked there, good sun, hot chicks (if you don't mind tats, they all have them) and generally prefer tradional gender roles
Gyms are a bit shit there, more aimed at cardio, but having gains will separate you

he said "white people" retard

>Where can I move that has white people and where women know their place?
The 19th century


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The mediterranean and balkans
>cheap, great nutritious food, lots of meat
>gym culture not centered around sarms zoomers
>plenty of gyms within walking distance
>lots of sun if mediterranean
>mostly shit wages and little job prospects
>slightly higher criminal rates but still nothing compared to US ghet-em socioeconomically handicapped neighboors

Well that rules out spain as well then.


They will steal half of your money in taxes, gas is 2€/l and you can buy 24 eggs for 4€, meat also has become very expensive.
Almost forgot to mention that rent increased and you won't find a shitty apartment for less than 900€

redditors dont know the government of Norway is financed by oil

>the government of Norway is financed by oil
Not for much longer

But that's happening everywhere user
> what are regions
Saying you won't get an apartment for less than €900 is like saying all of England you need £1200+ for a place because London exists
Are you exclusively thinking of somewhere like Galicia?