Why lift weights as a normal guy if even ugly girls have tons of Chads fighting over her love?

Why lift weights as a normal guy if even ugly girls have tons of Chads fighting over her love?

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I’m trans btw, don’t know if that matters

because its fun and I mostly lift for my sports anyway

Sage goes in all fields

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What does that have to do with lifting?

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Why are there so many single men? Shouldn't society be close to 50/50 male/female? Either there's a lot of single woman not looking for a relationship, which I doubt because that doesn't seem the case IRL, or these are all guys looking to cheat.

Oh jaaaaaaaaaaaanny

Posts with images bump threads regardless of what you type in the options field, you retard

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Kys you worthless incel FREAK

the sage is to instruct others not to bump the thread, fellow retard

>fating app

I don't understand what all of this Tinder bullshit is about. There are TONS of attractive sluts on there, if you're not getting matches and dates from them then there is not a handsome man in those pictures. PERIOD. Fix it or shut the fuck up! If it isn't fixable then delete it and try something else. Physical attraction isn't rocket science and there's no secret that anyone can give you that will get you laid off of that damn app!

>Why shoud I do x if something unrelated to me happens to someone else?

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This doesn't really help because I know plenty of women, ranging from 18 to 28 and the vast majority are either single or monogamous (maybe cheating ofcourse, but not literally hypergamous). I know like 2 girls who are like that and share a guy, but they're whores that don't look for monogamy, they're exceptions as far as I can see. There would be more hypergamous relationships if that's the cause.

i like lifting idgaf what you do + ratio

Wow, you know two WHOLE girls? I am proud of you user.

I know reading is hard, friend. I know two girls who are hypergamous, among 100s of girls who are monogamous. I.e. the hypergamy theory doesn't explain the huge discrepancy in single men vs single women. Ofcourse that's just an anecdote, but I'm still left wondering.

I think it's just tinder/online dating that's heavily skewed male.

A lot of women aren't fucking/dating atm too.


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Are these "Chads" in the room with us right now?

I did say it was anecdotal
Yeah, seems like it. I guess guys are just more likely to try online dating or are more desperate.

Yes they are. They're just sitting in Chad's matches instead of yours and when you ask they say, "tehe! I'm not dating right now, sorry user!"

Idk man, most women work 9 to 5, have a house to take care of, friends to go out with. I don't think most women would even have the time or energy to spend everyday at a Chad's house.

Dating apps are mostly men. Also, a woman finds a match in less 10 minutes and deletes the app, men spend years on there