
fraudster kitty edition

Before asking your stupid beginner questions (yes, they are stupid), make sure to read ALL OF the r/steroids wiki:
>reddit link
yeah, fuck off.

Don't ask us to help you dose your AI. It's very individual.
See CCFC's handy faggotry guide.

Oral-only cycles put strain on the liver and cause a shutdown of natural testosterone production for not a lot of benefit. Just pin and thank us later.

ABSOLUTELY no source talk.

No sarms talk. If you want to discuss placebo pills then make your own thread.

This isn't a medical forum. Stop asking for medical advice and go to a doctor.
Don't ask us to help you schedule your pinning dosages. Use steroidplotter.com/

If you're going to ask a beginner question, make sure to include:
- age
- bf%
- time spent training

previously on /fraud/

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500mg test, month 3, first run.
Pretty good, trying to fix my diet and make the most of it since I fucked myself by unintentionally undereating.

Is there a "peak" time to workout after injecting, or does it not matter?

Vigorous Steve on YouTube had some video about this, I don’t think it really matters much but iirc his conclusion was inject preworkout


>Carrier oil has caloric value

Injecting what would be the first question. Are we talking injectable pre-workout stuff with halo and tren base or something else?

My daily is 100mg tren-a.
Also test-e and eq, but that's e3d.

>mfw when cut is ruined by carrier oil

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got my bloodwork done and I currently have a test level of 487 at 28 years old. Should I hop on test?

what are you waiting for

ditched eq for about a week now. i was inflamed, sore, achy, i felt like i was slowly dying. the arthritis in my back ws beyong awful. So went off everything cept test, some gh.
since only test i feel pretty fucking good lately tbqhwyf. 3 days in a row now with gym. got some good night sleep (with the help of a big xan bar)
going 400mg test 300mg primo 2iugh eod
even did fasted cardio this morning

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Not sure when my test is gonna get here ffs
I'm on rad140 rn and feel powerful but don't want suppression and want to up the rad to 15/20 mg daily but not without a test base

Why split it, I just pin the test e/mast p/EQ/tren a every day

xan sleep is not good sleep. just because you're unconscious doesnt mean its proper rest bro

idk I know test is a lifetime commitment because ill have to keep pinning and google tells me my levels are fine. Its a hard decision for me.

so like 4 years ago i got into a fight and took a knee right to my forhead. wasn't knocked out but it shook me up bad. it was at my job, which there shouln't be tha level of violance. it turned into riot squad coming in. i fucked me up.
i was already working full time, then going for an advanced degree at night. i was really stressed.
i managed- but could not "turn off" and sleep, which made things worse.
i told my dr straight up i wnt xan. she agreed, small dose. and i sleep fucking nice.
she did try to get me to do ambien, did it once and wont do it again. on weekends i'll pop extra addys while i /game/ but then take a few more xan to knock me out after i come down.
it's not healthy. but i'm not messing with super high doses, and i've been on rx for almost decades. i only ramp up sat. nights.
but no, xan sleep i wake up and feel fucking spring time.
now if i drink coffee, no matter when, sleep is awful.

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i never understood how people could just get whatever drugs they want from their doctors, maybe its a blessing in disguise that every doctor ive had is actually very intelligent and down to earth and sees through bullshit.

id probably have a problem if i got regular bars or pks, at least my doc said he was willing to give me clomid and test if my low test symptoms became a problem. thats before i even touched gear, and i talked to him about my prohormone usage when i was 17 and he was really interested in hearing about it. hes just a physicians assistant though and im sure he'll move onto a specialization some day and ill have to find another doctor that isnt a retard

and i dont mean you were bullshitting your doc, i was just projecting all the shit ive seen people get away with. one chick i went to school with was a pill fiend by 15 because her mom was a walking pharmacy and would throw wild ass xanax/speed fueled parties at her house

Women, even if they aren't actually mental, are either good at faking it or just come off as though they are

bro i wear a suit to work, have 8 years of college and a well respected professional in my area.
my PA isn't going to give me a hard time when advocate for myself and what i know i need.
plus, your "moral" PA is nothing but a pharma sponsored worker bee.
He would most likely recommend you something less effective, but with the chance he makes a quota, over your health.
my back is so unbeliably fucked, arthtitis from a massive injury 12 years ago, she asked if i wanted a light muscle relaxer i said no.
no i hear you. like i said she was like "well uhhh we can put you on a muscle relaxer?" like no how about i try rehab first?
and i'll admit there will be a time i need to go off the xan and it will suck. i never take it during the day tho, i know better
wish they would just bring back ghb