Does this board approve of being NEET/fit/?

Does this board approve of being NEET/fit/?

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Touch grasd

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I want a woman who works hard and earns more than me so I can be a house husband.
Hikkis are just a burden, no matter how cute.

The question is about being NEET and a Any Forumsizen at the same time, not a NEET gf

In that case, only if you have a very rich family who will support you.
NEETs who leech off of already poor relatives are pretty shitty

I had a NEET gf and let me tell you anons, you can't imagine how fucking annoying it is.
Maybe it's fun for like the first 1-2 weeks, but after that you reflect on your life and the mistakes you have made

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> literally every generation before us technically got NEET gfs because it was just the norm

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Housewife is a job.
It's just not a job where you get paid with anything except room and board and any gifts your husband gives you

NEET gf isn't as fun as you think.
>likes spending your money
>WILL get fat
>stops caring about her appearance in general
>won't actually do any house work
>expects you to cook when you get home

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I think every neet should be ripped or at least not dyel, you have all the time in the world to work out 'til your heart's content and can sleep 10hrs a night for monster recovery.

>this kills the Any Forumscel

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I had a gf who was "studying" but didn't do shit so she was basically NEET
>had time the whole day to get on my nerves
>was mad if I don't text her bc I'm at work
>no money, so I either had to spend twice the money or do cheapo stuff
>even though she had all the time in the world she was low energy and just wanted to hang around in her tiny room
>still had the nerve to complain how she's stressed and has to meditate

Being lazy reduces your total baseline energy levels.
It's easier IMO to maintain a rigid workout routine if you only sleep 8 hours a day then work rather than 16 then masturbate.

the goal is to get a neet gf with good parents then just live together as neets and leach off them

thats my dream anyway. what about you?

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Pfft, good luck getting a job with "housewife" on your resume.

>>even though she had all the time in the world she was low energy and just wanted to hang around in her tiny room
>>still had the nerve to complain how she's stressed and has to meditate
>Being lazy reduces your total baseline energy levels.
>It's easier IMO to maintain a rigid workout routine if you only sleep 8 hours a day then work rather than 16 then masturbate.
This, it's a use it or lose it situation with activity and motivation levels. When you go low enough because of whatever reasons (including health), your will to live decreases too. And vice versa, thankfully. Don't let it happen to you, bros. Lost the prime years of my life to it.

I almost lived this dream.
I dated a former NEET, now university student (online) with rich parents, but instead of moving in with her (and her parents) I had her move in with me.
Feminists always use this retarded argument, which I frankly find disturbing because it's like they're planning to get divorced.
I marry with the intention of staying together forever, so having a good resume is of zero importance if I'm a house husband in the relationship.
Any woman who uses this argument is bad news and should be avoided

>woman priorities shifts from homemaker to juden slavery
no, your pic just proven their points, woman belongs to home, not factory or office

so instead of being a slave to a jew you should be a slave to a slave to a jew

>WILL get fat
>won't actually do any house work
>expects you to cook when you get home
that's where your efforts required, put in some

People die all the time

What is life insurance

>married and have kids equals to wage slave
>wage slave is the only way for any man
are you for real?

Neets are only allowed if you cashed out big on cryptos or some shit, if you live with your parents or something vile like that, it's time to stop coping about not wanting to be a wagie and actually get a fucking job

>married and have kids equals to wage slave
no, it equals to a normal slave
you will never coerce a woman to be your live-in bangmaid and you can die seething about it

why do people make imaginary ideals? there is literally no girl in existence like this, its not even how humans behave

neet doesn't mean lazy slob it only means not working or learning in schools.
you can be neet and neat.

so instead of habing your man slave away, you rather women AND men both slave away for half as much.
Good job retard.