Do you fast?

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>malnourishing rats makes them weaker
Wow, what an amazing discovery

Omg stop with the restriction of calories bad bullshit

it seems like a total gimmick desu through my understanding of it. maybe if you wanted to like once a month or something but intermittent fasting, etc etc, just seems a massive gimmick. my housemate does it and bless him but he's dumb as fuck and a joe rogan fan so that puts me off instantly

Yea I fast all right. I drive fast to McDonalds!

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It helps a lot with apetite and once you get used to it it's very comfy because on OMAD you eat once and forget about food for the rest of the day. And you are not hungry at all when you get used to it. It's amazing, Buddhist monks eat like this too, one meal at midday and then only liquids and they live pretty long lives usually although it's probably not only because of their eating habits. And it really seems to help with a lot of stuff health wise. Turns out the body likes not being stuffed with food all the time.

it's pretty inline with us being opportunistic omnivores but this is more of a lifting/exercise board and these kind of diets are not effective or adequate for lifting or cardio. They're great for the longevity of a couch potato but I think there's probably a more specific way we can slice things for active people.

Will fasting also make me bipedal?

It's been proven fasting doesn't do shit. You what does? A calorie deficit, you fucking mouth breathing morons

I just started a 30 day water fast.

the most common sense that has ever been spoken on this nigerian flat bread baking forum

fasting does nothing
>daily fasting without cr
what a retarded way to say maintenance of calories

yeah agreed thats a really level headed response and i commend you for it, in agreement with the poster above. afaik fasting and working out for strength while fasting is detrimental to muscle protein synthesis and you'll damage your muscles, with cardio it seems to either have noe ffect or a slightly negative one. it seems countintuitive to someone who would be wishing to make size or strength gains also, or improve their cardiovascular capability.

Good one!

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Wait what does daily fasting mean
Isn't that just a regular diet, or OMAD?

i try doing a 36 hour water fast AT LEAST ONCE a week and it feels great. i even had an entire cheat weekend with the boys and i’m still losing weight and keeping lean mass.

>Losing weight and keeping lean mass
Redpill me on this, did you lose strength/performance in the gym at all?
Does it make you fatigued?
And do you still workout during these fasts

Daily fasting is a total bullshit term. If you don't eat after 8pm until breakfast, that's technically daily fasting.

Used to be a fatty slaved to my constant hunger. IF taught me how to have willpower over my appetite and eventually I just kinda stopped getting hungry throughout the day entirely so it's been great for that. Not even sure what the other supposed health benefits are lmao

Good video

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