Explain this

Why are girls nowadays so confident about their appearance while every guy is crippled with insecurity? Any Forums bros are ashamed of their body while chicks who don't even work out glow with security. Why?

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because they only want HWD [HUGE WHITE DICK]

Supply and demand

media has made every man feel worse while it made women feel better

Idk idc I have a gf and fuck 2-3 times a week to concerned with my job, studying, and boxing to care at this point

Social media and the phenomenon of simping has made them this way. It used to be that male beauty was not considered important, other than being muscular and hopefully not extremely ugly or diseased-looking. Women didn't have a lot else to offer, so they worked on their beauty. Now it's gone the other way, the reverse way of nature. Males have to be incredibly good looking while for females they just have to show up. It's kind of sick.

>Why are girls nowadays so confident about their appearance while every guy is crippled with insecurity?
They actually aren't. I've had genuinely attractive girlfriends and they always found made up insecurities to worry about. My ex had great boobs but she always thought they were too small

Now that every single young person is on multiple social medias, every single women who posts the tiniest amount of skin will have 5+ thirsty dudes blowing up her DMs. It doesn't matter if she has no tits, no ass, a walled in face, ect. They will have multiple guys from all walks of life cracking jokes and trying to impress them. Imagine if you posted a gym photo and got that type of attention, you'd be pretty goddamn confident too..

It's because you can't put a woman in her place without looking like a fucking asshole anymore or sounding like a misogynist.

This sort of thing is unsustainable; you can't fight against nature. The pendulum is gonna swing the other way and hard.

Well if you have this notion you are definitely an asshole and/or misogynist lol

You're clearly online too much

Woman are not confident about their appearance talk to woman you all of you


Autism, effeminate, spineless spergs and demand. There are more women than men. Also, not being confident about your appearance is a feminine trait, sane men don't give a shit about how they look.

Every sane man gives a shit about how he looks because he knows girls only care about appearance and genetics. Also, there are way more guys than girls until like age 70.
Dating just has never been harder if you are not a top 20% man genetically.

A toxic combo of feminism and female-worshipping patriarchy.

Girls are actually very insecure. They just pretend that they aren't. And even if they are, they have dozens of friends and cucks that will praise them and tell them how beautiful they look. It's completely different attitude when everyone complements you since basically you were born. And also the whole "body positivity" and showing the "real look of bodies" doesn' exist when it comes to men.

Social media gasses up ugly women and puts down men because most popular content on social media is made by women. If the shit that people post on Any Forums was what constituted viral tweets and tiktok trends then it would be the opposite.

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I live in the desert now and I miss this climate

this, plus an unrealistic double standard for men in all forms of media. Fatspo for women exists, but all men are required to be 6'3" and 5% body fat to be considered attractive