last night in a thread couple Any Forumsizens and fem/fit/z said they would want a /soc/like thread to meet each other in real life. i believe this will end in a total autismo shitshow but whatever... it was requested and here we are now.

ITT we post our body and city, so we could find each other to lift together, share protein, go out to a bar, make new friends and so on. we also give advice and opinions over each others bodys and general advice how to meet new people, lifting routines, diet, and so on. we will help each other out on whatever we need help with.
this thread is for social, mental and physical gainz.

i'll start, germany (near dortmund), i'm autismo and it's hard for me to find friends beside from work. i really need to lose some bellyfat and build neck, shoulders, chest. whats the best lifts to build it fast?

unleash your autismo brothers and sisters

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There’s already a CBT up, Fed

this is not be supposed to be a classic /CBT/

STOCKHOLM 185cm 91,5kg this morning, looking for a strong gym bro who is close to my strenght atleast 100kg OHP 140kg Bench 200kg Squat I don’t deadlift

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what are you studying?
nice body btw

Probability and statistical mathematics, kinda sucky course but only one week left until exams so I’m fighting through it

I will not lift with you unless you're stronger than me or a (not fat) girl/femboy

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Killing it bro.
Are you running something? The acne looks pretty bad

No it’s just being acne prone genetically, I have so easy to break out even natty eating healthy so I wouldn’t ever consider hopping on gear desu because it would be so bad then I probably wouldn’t be able to lay on my back

Finally got a lymecyclin prescription tho so hopefully it’ll soon clear up

Fucking hot are you really into femboys cause hii

Only if they're very feminine, since I'm straight

Yes exacty :) jealous of the femboys you fucked already. Youre really hot

why the scar on your chest? what happened?

Oh, that? I got that in Vietnam
>drunk at a resort and slipped climbing out of a pool

Wow, looks like this place was full of faggots last night.
Not surprising.

Def running something.
Cope harder faggot.

24 miles north of Seattle. I know I look like shit I just lost a little over 50lbs from bulking like a retard because I fell for the “eat big to get big” meme. I work out at 3am and I’m currently doing a recomp because I’m impatient and can’t wait to lose the last 15lbs or so before bulking again slowly. A training partner would be nice and someone who is ambitious outside of the gym. I wouldn’t say I’m autistic I’ve just let my social skills go to shit because my focus is solely on the gym, and working on ways to make money outside of my 9-5 so I can leave my shitty job and have fuck you money. I’m interested in taking gear as a heads up. I don’t care about my natty limit I just want things done as soon as possible.

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in my apartment.

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inb4 pajeet with 14 inch arms asks for his bf%

You think I have money for gear while being a university student in Stockholm? You’re funny, I just work out and don’t have dead end genetics

Kill yourself

>it would be so bad then I probably wouldn’t be able to lay on my back
Yeah. I've seen some people roid and become like human pizza mode.
You're killing it natty though.
>Finally got a lymecyclin prescription tho so hopefully it’ll soon clear up
Hope it works out senpai.

Shits cheap of you find a good source. Like

Martin Lawrence still doing Big Momma movies?