People actually believe this?

“Once you take steroids you can never produce testosterone naturally again”

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you're fucking with hormones so there's always a chance of fucking up your endocrine system

not nearly as high as they treat it. They act like it’s guaranteed

you might as well jump off a bridge if you think like that

kys roidtranny

sigh, you fell for memes

theres no memes here.
"i must take drugs to become alpha male"
is the same mentality

>i must
never said this. Your addiction to some meaningless status is your problem

Just ignore it user. It's better if most men don't understand the real risks of steroids because everyone would use them, and body dysmorphia would be insane.


He means to say "I cannot display alpha type characteristics without the use of anabolics". Most guys can't even do it with them these days.

then that’s a psychological problem

I'm not talking about mannerisms. He's accusing you of needing steroids to have a lean and muscular body. You cannot be this obtuse.

because the dysgenic men that frequent this board (or reddit) are hypochondriacs
>wow, yike, you rounded your back? enjoy your WHEELCHAIR
>wow, yike, you drink coffee? enjoy your CORTISOL spike
>wow, yike, you touched a plastic bottle? enjoy your HYPOGONADISM

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There is no benefit of jumping off a bridge but you can be jacked if you do roids

You can't be jacked if you do roids unless you can be jacked if you don't do roids. Performance enhancement implies that you need performance to enhance in the first place. A lot of motherfuckers cycle without learning to lift and get nothing for it.

leaving humanity behind ain't for everybody.
keep being a medicore slave

This guy is correct. If you use them don’t even discuss it with anyone IRL. Being a fake natty is sadly a necessity because normies will instantly devalue your work and say shit like
>that’s not impressive I would look better than him if I injected steron pills too, I would look like Arnold overnight. But I’m gonna be natty like [insert geared celebrity who claims natty like the rock] and achieve it the hard way
Literally ignore anything these people tell you about fitness or steroids. It’s all mom science that’s not backed by their own actual in depth research. Even though you only need 20 minutes of research to realize steroids are relatively safe when used correctly. And I say relative because of the individual outlier in the 0.01% who may do things right and have a really bad experience anyways.

Generally speaking there is a slight risk of permanent shutdown. Maybe a really good blood panel or a DNA analysis can say what sides/risks of permanent shutdown would be.

The more modern science is basically showing that 150mg-175mg is basically the max amount of test base you need for a cycle, and that are around six weeks the anabolic component of the cycle stops becoming effective.

If I were going to run a cycle, I would be at the extremely high end of my natty limit, take around 1/4 of what most guys are running and stay on cycle for 8 weeks.

The point of steroids to me is to get permanent muscle gain past the natural maximum. You then have a permanently higher maximum of natural muscle.

Watch more plates more dates.

oh yeah to answer your question, yes I could get jacked without roids

>i'm being retarded on purpose
You produce testosterone in the gonads and adrenal gland.
Depending on your age the chance of recovery from stopping steroid use to having functional productional organs drops considerably.
Yes you can produce testosterone.
No, odds are it won't be as much based off statistical data.