Homegym essentials

homegym essentials
what do i really need to look decent?
is a bench, a barbell and some weights enough? i can bench, ohp, squat, deadlift and when i add some calisthenics i can't think of any muscle i can't hit.

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An adjustable bench and dumbbells is all you need. A pull up bar and an ab wheel are good cheap extras.

you shouldn't drink, not even water, when exercising. you need to always be breathing. the slightest pause in breathe while exerting force can be critical to the health

pull-up bar, rings, adjustable kettlebell (the all metal kind, not the plastic shits)

That's all

Trx rope is another cheap addition that helps.with back stuff.

bench, barbell, squat rack, weights
That is the essentials.

are ropes a meme? also they don't seem that cheap after a quick google search

i thought about buying dumbbells but then i need 4 plates instead of 2 (with the barbell).
barbell for example i can buy 2 x 25kg, 4 x 10kg, 2 x 5kg to get 100kg total, and i can adjust the weight for each exercise. i can add 10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100kg to the barbell.
with dumbbells i would need to buy more plates to get the same results.

is a squatrack really essential when i'm not lifting till failure?
ropes/rings sound good too. i guess rope will increase gripstrenght drastically.

how do you plan to load the bar without a rack? plus some racks have add on systems if ever you want more stuff in your gym

or you can get those 1 sided ones but they're unstable

the bench has bars. i load it on them, squat on the bench, grab barbell, get up and walk a few steps forward. i can unload it the same way.
would this work too? i just want to get back in shape and will not lift till failure. i guess aslong as i can handle the weight this is safe too, or not?

forgott pic, it looks similar to this but my bench is higher and not right above the floor

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holy kek

what a great reply. i will take it into account. thanks for your positive critics and the great advice.

>is a squatrack really essential when i'm not lifting till failure?

No not really. Just be okay with dropping the weight and damaging the floor IF you had to.

didn't thought about that... shit. i guess i will just weld my own wallmounted bars then. L form, one side on the ground, other side on the wall.

get a fucking squat rack at least. it's not that expensive and will make your life easier. if you're poor suck some dick behind the train station and then get a squat rack. if you're good at sucking you could even afford a power rack

Poorfag here. For me it's squat stands, bench, bar, and plates. I plan to add rings and more plates but I can do almost anything with just these and they store away pretty well. Bought everything but the stands used (fuck Amazon chinesium), total cost about 500 bucks in all so far

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*Leaf bucks
So like 350 usd or so

i'm a professional welder, i will not buy anything. i will build my own stuff. i'm planing on what material i need, that's why i started the thread. i'm 6'4" and everything will be selfmade and customized for my size.

11 gauge steel square tube should be sufficient. How you do it doesn't matter so long as both sides are parallel and the footing is wide enough to stabilize the load