What's the consensus on pic related? Sun can't be that bad right?

What's the consensus on pic related? Sun can't be that bad right?

Do I need to wear it when going for a morning run at low (2-3) UV index?
What about going out at noon ( max UV index) but only for 15 min?

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I use a natural mineral sunscreen in small doses, but I am a whitewater raft guide so I spend a lot of time outside. You can wean yourself off of it though, if you’re not ginger or Scandinavian you can probably build up a natural sun tolerance.

Protect you skin user or you'll look like shit in some years. I guess for the 2 situations you described sunscreen is not absolutely needed but it's better to wear some.

Sunscreen is bullshit. Get out in the sun and soak up the vitamin D. Why would a natural human need to slather their skin in chemicals before going outside. Skincare is a meme.

Is skin cancer also a meme ? Sunscreen does not prevent your body from synthetising vitamin D


Wear sunscreen if you don't want to look 70 by the time you're 40. Moisturize as well

this is partially true. if you're a native American then sure, your skin developed defenses to how strong the sun is where you live. If youre a pale ass Irish fuck living in Texas then you should probably put on some sunscreen otherwise you'll get fucked

>contains micro plastics and other chemicals

>hurrdurr sunscreen is good and totally not realated to health problems

8 years of sun exposure doing field survey melted my face

I aged a lot

Sun will fuck you up really good

Being scared of the sun in europe is retarded

Yes, user, the sun will definitely fuck up your skin. If you are pale you should 100% wear it in shiny days otherwise your face and skin will look like shit when you get older. Complement that with good diet, lots of water and your skin will be fine. Wearing a cap in hot days is a good idea too.

This statement is retarded.

Because most people here are whitoids living in ex colonies, not in yurop.

>t. wears suncreen in norway

A varied diet (non fit) works as sun protection. I look fine and non wrinkled due to this. 10 years of neeting also played a role

>pale ass Irish fuck living in Texas
First of all I'm not that pale for having potatoe genes.

But seriously I remember on one of the 3DMJ podcast they had someone on who talked about this. I think her recommendation were something like:
>pale skin, 15ish min no sunscreen you'll hit your Vit-d recommendation
>tan skin, 30ish min no sunscreen you'll hit your Vit-d recommendation
>black/dark skin, 45min-1hr min no sunscreen you'll hit your Vit-d recommendation

The take away being, if you're getting sun for vitamin D purposes great, but there is basically a limit to where after you'd be better off just wearing sunscreen for the anti aging benefits because you're probably hitting the threshold of the sun to Vit-D point.

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I'm a mailman and the city carriers that spend the majority of the time walking their route look way better than the rural carriers who drive the majority. Neither side has good diets or lifts in my office but that's my anecdotal experience.

I don't use sunscreen and developed crows feet kind of quick but like a dumbass I didn't wear sunglasses for years. I also smoked and drank heavily in my 20's. Aside from that my skin that's exposed looks the same as the skin that covered after 8 years.

Europe is more than Norway.

>t. American "education"

Maybe southern europe is too much for non-swarthy fags. Also little bit of western europe but most people there are native. Other than that the sun is too weak

>western europe

I don't use it. I just get in shade if I feel burning. I'll let you know in 30 years if I get cancer.