Alright fit redpill me, is this achievable natty? Is he on steroids? Or is it just CGI enhanced muscles

Alright fit redpill me, is this achievable natty? Is he on steroids? Or is it just CGI enhanced muscles

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he's not on steroids and there's no CGI involved. this is about 1.5 years of lifting with creatine

Hard to achieve even with steroids.

>is this achievable natty?
>Is he on steroids?
Obviously and anyone who doesn't think so is braindead
>Or is it CGI enhanced muscles
Also yes

This Is achievable within 6 months of lifting If you eat enough protein and go 3 times a week

Not achievable natty, hard even with steroids. Good genetics + steroids + CGI

It's CGI. Hemsworth doesn't look like that even on roids

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Yeah this is him during filming thor and 8 months before. Totally natty transformation.

But yeah of course Thor shouldn’t be attainable natty because he’s a god.
But holy fuck I get annoyed on his fucking insta workout pyramid scheme where he tries to sell “5 minute ab shredding circuit” and he just shows himself having shit form on basic exercises, really shows he doesn’t really know a lot about training and just took what he was prescribed and got fed and got trained by professionals

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This picture is from 2021, around the time the new Thor filmed. So this isn't off season

>roiding for this
also those feet holy shit lmao

Yeah bro i look just like that after 3 months of working out at home twice a week

Mass-wise it's hypertrophy with creatine.
Definition-wise it's the hollywood treatment of not drinking anything for almost three days. I'm serious, look it up. Hugh Jackman talks about it when interviewed about the Wolverine topless fight scene. Male actors are forced to not drink for two and a half days until they're hours away from organ failure, then they shoot the scene and the actors get hospitalized for a week. This happens every time a capeshit actor takes his shirt off. Talk about unrealistic body images.

>Mass-wise it's hypertrophy with creatine.

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>These are the people giving you advice

this board is a fucking joke

I’ll let you in on a secret.

It’s steroids and Hollywood actors lie to you.

Yes he is 100% natty

No.It is impossible to sustain those chest and shoulders

lol yeah
just life a few times a week and the testosterone takes over
he said himself the only extra thing he does is chicken broccoli and rice


T-take that back!

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