You WILL read the book

>You WILL read the book.
>You WILL drink the milk.
>You WILL eat at least 5000 cal/day.
>You WILL train exactly 3 times a week.
>You WILL do the power cleans.
>You WILL NOT do any cardio.
>You WILL NOT do any mobility.
>You WILL NOT do any ab work.
>You WILL NOT do any isolations.
>You WILL NOT do any stretching.
>Each training session from now until the end of your days WILL begin with low bar squatting the bar for 5 reps.
>You WILL never go over 5 reps on ANY lift.
>The only exercises you WILL do are squat, deadlift, bench, the press, and power clean.
>If your BMI drops below 35 don’t even bother coming into my gym.
>If you miss any reps, you WILL increase your calorie intake by 500 cal and you WILL attempt the same weight two more times and if you don't complete the weight you WILL deload the weight by 10%.
>You WILL do the program.

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powershitters actually believe this

sounds based


>You WILL read the book.
I can't read
>You WILL drink the milk.
Yes, but I'm now drinking low fat
>You WILL eat at least 5000 cal/day.
Last bulk ended around 4700, will do better next winter.
>You WILL train exactly 3 times a week.
Pussy shit, 4 days Upper/Lower masterrace
>You WILL do the power cleans.
I will NOT
>You WILL NOT do any cardio.
>You WILL NOT do any mobility.
>You WILL NOT do any ab work.
>You WILL NOT do any isolations.
No, I will train the curls, pushdowns and extensions
>You WILL NOT do any stretching.
>Each training session from now until the end of your days WILL begin with low bar squatting the bar for 5 reps.
Alternating between low and high bar depending on soreness and fatigue is a good idea
>You WILL never go over 5 reps on ANY lift.
I am doing 20s for rows and 30s for triceps
>The only exercises you WILL do are squat, deadlift, bench, the press, and power clean.
That's not fun
>If your BMI drops below 35 don’t even bother coming into my gym.
Just checked, I'm at 30.6, will fix it in the winter
>If you miss any reps, you WILL increase your calorie intake by 500 cal and you WILL attempt the same weight two more times and if you don't complete the weight you WILL deload the weight by 10%.
Dumb as shit, just up the volume and stop grinding reps
>You WILL do the program.
Why yes, I am doing conjugate

This is unironically good for teenage skeletals for a month or two. Anyone who keeps doing it beyond that is an autist.

>You WILL never go over 5 reps on ANY lift.

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Here's your results, bro

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>tfw I use a pizzaria delivery menu as a bookmark for my bootleg copy of SS

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дa e, чyeк

suck my fucking dick

This is an ENGLISCH speeking bord fagots.

Some people just don't care about abs it's that simple. If you want abs you don't have to lift you have to do ab work and cut calories. If you however want to be strong rippetoe lays out a very straighforward plan to achieve a base for strength. If SS is so bad then why is it still so widely read?

яж хyй

>base of strength
meaningless concept, muscle mass is what creates your "base" of strength that applies to every movement you do with those muscles, the rest is movement specific skill
>why is it still so widely read?
because its easy, because it lets you feel superior to the "dumb curlbros"

Oh nonononono

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is that a tranny on the right?

What if I don't want to look like this?

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>Refusing to give Mark money

this body type makes me so fucking erect I may pass out

Nay, powershitters revere another even fatter and shorter manlet.