I have been lifting for 3 years and still can't squat to depth

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So you've been pretending to lift for 3 years then.

Have you tried letting your ego go and improving your mobility without any weight and slowly working your way back up

i was half squatting 3pl8 and went down to 1pl8 and still can't consistently squat parallel

pic related is legs, how bad is it?

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You need to go no weight, no bar and just squat and stay at the bottom use your table or a chair to stabilize if you have to but get use to that bottom position. Get to where you can sit there for 5 minutes with ease. And incorporate that into your warm ups before every squat session. I am 6’ with long legs shitty for squatting and I was in the same boat as you it took me about 3 months to recover all my progress but it’s worth it, being able to squat 3pl8lmao atg is exceptionally rewarding

not terrible
hamstrings may be lacking
A2g is ideal, but as long as you're going to parallel then it's ok.

My god this board is full of retards.
If you can't squat to depth its either an ankle mobility issue or a hip flexor issue.
Do your heels come up when you try to squat below parallel?


Also look into getting squatting shoes too, for long leg fucks they are nearly essential

lucky ive never had to worry about mobility, wish i could help

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me neither
i can hit parallel kinda but not below

Lose the thumb on your grip m8, bad form if you have to bail, but overall good depth I’m miring

hmmm i might try that. does it really help if you have to bail? i ln my case bailing a squat would probably crack the concrete but good to know

Literally not a problem. Some people particularly northwestern Europeans have deep hip sockets (I’m guessing you fall into this category based on skin color). Elevate your heels on a board or get squatting shoes. If you don’t compete there’s literally zero reason to fuck your hips up just to meet an arbitrary powerlifting standard or satisfy retards on the internet and in the gym

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Pic related for what I mean by elevate heels

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I’ve had to bail on some really heavy ones and yeah it allows me to just hop out since my hands don’t have to let go of anything

> And here, deep in the Namibian jungle we observe two retard dyels exchanging retard dyel advice.
> Unlike many species, the dyel is in no danger of extinction and is even flourishing. Unfortunately, some consider the dyel to be an invasive species, even in endemic habitats.

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Post body

post squat depth m8

I'm >inb4 fat

well.... you are. but nice numbers bro

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