Is there any point in fit lifestyle if my cock is this small?

I'm also a 5'5" manlet with no body hair growth

It gets almost 3" fully aroused but can only get erections a few times a year or less

I'm in the gym almost everyday but feel like its pointless

Attached: kbc.jpg (850x1163, 113.69K)

you fucked yourself by using pic rel, so this thread is temporary
even though it's probably way too late, visit an endocrinologist

Look into hormone therapy

You really need to stop posting tranny faggot

just become a trap, I'd top you

There are women who will fetishize that. Yeah it'll be hard to find, but you might have luck on a fetish website or anonymous online postings. Probably 99% of women won't like that but that 1% of crazy mommy wants to suck baby dick girls will go crazy for you.

life is what you make it. literally existentialism. brainlets will tell you to align to the social consensus, that is the way of failure.

literally you are still viable, and this idea of a fixed genetic potential is so fucking german idealism, environment codes for so much more than people will lead you to believe, fuck their static dogma.

The last woman I actually fell in love with eventually gave me an ultimatum that it has to be a fwb relationship or nothing, ended up being effectively a cuck and realized that there's nothing I can do in the gym to fix my height or cock size, thinking about giving up

Unironically no, you need to be at least average across the board to make it

You can still become gay/transition

you're low test, literally

Unironically get a pump and stretch.

Mine looks like that but it grows to a normal size at least

Attached: 1637880857225.jpg (1024x576, 111.97K)

I'm straight but have done gay stuff, its not thing and in all honesty it actually really hurts like fuck, but most important I still want cis-woman pussy

I do/did, I can stretch it to a little over 3" but fully erect without me pulling it my cock is a little under 3" but most embarrassingly I usually can't cum with cis-women pussy even though I think about it constantly, its so freaking frustrating

if that's what you have defined as your life purpose, then yes, you have failed. re assess your life, re assess your goals, don't let your circumstances ruin yourself.

Literally, I have a good uhh, unit, but I haven't had a girl, and have spent my life letting circumstantial whatevers ruin my progress forward and have probably been equally as miserable as you.

you can still cum in a jar and impregnate a girl, just saying, lol.

Get a hanger. It takes time but you can add an inch minimum

there are people with cock so small they can't even jack off let alone penetrate a prostitute they paid for

Attached: cock.webm (368x640, 375.61K)

that's a very interesting video, i never imagined that this existed, idk what to think... just surprised

micro dicks are more common that you think

literally a nipple

Have you considered...

Attached: Cafebeef_small_penis.jpg (1440x760, 297.57K)

You have to go back

Sounds like manlet problem, not a dicklet problem.

I know plenty of 6 foot plus guys with small dicks that hold down relationships with attractive girls

Is this a real person? That person is 5'8" with a 3" cock, I'm 5'5" with a 2.5" fully erect cock, wtf I don't feel so good

this is so sad