Gained 120lbs since covid started

>gained 120lbs since covid started
>got to over 40 bmi
>even if i go to gym 5 days a week, its going to take me almost a year to get back to where i was
fuck my life
what is even the point

Attached: fat fuck suicide.png (350x350, 159.42K)

Hey, surely from carrying around so much weight you gained lots of muscle as well, so when you slim down you'll be able to mog everyone!

What a stupid excuse. The only thing i gained during covid was better health.

>gym was closed for 6 months
>when it finally reopened, reduced hours that i couldnt go to
>stores constantly sold out of chicken and produce (thanks brandon) so i ended up eating a lot of processed/fast foods

How is it even possible to gain that much weight and blame covid of all things for it? Either a larp or a complete waste of a human.

If it took you all of covid to gain it, why do you think it will only take a year to lose it?
Start now or it will only get worse. You will stumble during the year but who cares it isn't a race get healthy in 2 years so you can live the next 30 as a healthy man.

Were you depressed or something? You gained that much and didn't feel disgusted/ashamed of yourself? I will never understand. Lucky for you though, obese people usually lose weight much faster than people who aren't. Don't eat like a pig and do some cardio. Get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity.

if I eat 1500kcal and exercise 3-5 times a week, losertown's calculator says I should reach my goal weight (180lbs) around march 2023

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Not so much depressed as bored out of my fucking mind with nothing to do
>no gym
>no concerts/sports/live movies
>work shut down
>classes went all online
so i had nothing to do but watch movies at home, play vidya, and eat

If you couldn't control yourself to end up like that why do you lie to yourself that you keep that up for a year?
stop lying to yourself just start at a small deficit and aim for the goal, not some fitness binge and end up fatter.

I was 300lbs in 2017 and lost 100lbs in about a year of being a NEET on unemployment + gym.

but sometimes i would forget to eat for a couple days at a time. no idea what my calorie intake was

You choose to do those things, getting fit won't solve the real problems but at least it will be a solve one of the only problems you create and control

You overate an average of 384 kcal every day for three years, and your excuse is you had to stay at home?

Get real.

>gained 120lbs since covid started
Lmao that's a whole fucking person, how fucking retarded are you to eat so much and then not fucking realize it?

Bullshit. You could have avoided processed muck, even if you had eggs, or beans and rice, or fish and salad, or thai curries, you didn't need to eat shit.

I ate like shit during covid as well

Guys, let him go

He is not ready yet

>thanks brandon
>no home gym
>no access to good food
poorfag confirmed

the point is to suffer less

>Blaming Biden
You conservatives can’t ever take any personal responsibility

Lol, Covid? Guess I better sit on my ass 12 hours a day. Can’t walk/run/calisthenics/home gym only sit on my ass. Can’t pick up any hobbies. Can’t learn a new skill. Nope just sit on my ass.
Apparently, all healthy food is sold out but I guess none of the shit that’s bad for you had any supply chain issues. Even if it was you can still portion control and count calories with shot food (btw you can just say “Fuck Joe Biden”. Saying “Brandon” makes you seem like some dumb fuck. No one gives a shit, your “code” is lame. Also, did you gain 120lbs only in 2021? cause Trump was president half the time)
The important thing to remember is nothing is your fault. Just blame someone else. Even if you know the problem now and know how to fix it, it could be hard. Might as well do nothing cause nothing is your fault.
God damn, get your shit together man.

How hard is it to go for a walk?

Can we see a pic of you

yea user. What's the point of eating? you'll get hungry later on anyway, what is even the point, dont bother. What's the point of living anyway, you'll die eventually, might as well kill yourself NOW and get it over with
bullshit cope, a cheap wooden gymanstic ring and or a pair of adjustable dumbbells can go a long way. No you're not gonna be big with this but judging by the way you type, I'm 100% sure you're DYEL anyway even before you gained that weight.
>but i only have processed food
EVEN if you eat processed food all day, as long you stay within your calorie budget, you're not going to gain weight.