Derek stack. Thoughts?

Testosterone Enanthate - 120mg/Week, EOD
Anti-Aging Vita Gel
Tamoxifen Gel (Topical SERM)
Tadalafil (20mg split into 4x5mg, sublingual)
Semaglutide (GLP-1 Agonist, appetite suppresion, generic for cost reduction)
Ezetimibe (10mg, cholesterol management)
Topical Finasteride, Minoxidil and Tretinoin Combo Foam (Hair care)
Topical Dutasteride
Telmisartan (Angiotensin receptor blocker)
Finasteride 1mg
Ipamorelin + Tesamorelin Compounded (GH precursors)
Selank & Semax (to be used) (Learning, Skill Aquisition, Quality of life)
Vitamin D3 + K2
Gorilla Mind Smooth (6 capsules within 30 min of waking up)
Taurine (couple times a day)
Vitamin C (doubtful if he needs it, but takes it to be careful)
Metformin (500 mg, 2x/day)
Glucose disposal agent (= berberine + hydroxypropyl beta cyclodextrin), used intermittently
Carnitine (usually injects 1 ml an hour before going to the gym) – alternatively, Gorilla Mode AR if in a rush
Curcumin (500-1000 mg, 1x/day)
Astragalus root extract (4500 mg/day)
Citrus bergamot (500 mg, 3x/day; Derek recommends taking at least 1000 mg/day)
Ubiquinol (200 mg, 1x/day; will up it to 400 mg soon) — do NOT take CoQ10
Gorilla Dream
Betaine HCL Pepsin (used intermittently)
Cortisol blocker (used intermittently)
Progesterone (8 mg before bed; will up the dose; not recommended for naturals)
N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC) (1000 mg, 1x/day)

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This supposedly healthy guy is taking 5 times more shit than my 60 year old dad
modern males are pathetic

mental illness

Wouldn't it be just easier to eat healthy food. Or is this just some marketing bullshit to get zoomers to buy his products.

This is the guy people unironically look at for health and fitness advice

Dude should wake up and just smoke fucking weed jesus

And someone with better genetics (80% of guys) can roll out of bed and just eat and lift. Fuck Derek.

How can you delude yourself enough to think eating a kg of powders a day is healthy

Why a serm? Why bother with 120mg test?

>doing something retarded
>dude should do something 10000x more retarded

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I'll be real senpai, Derek is probably some type of autism

If this is real which i dont really doubt considering how many drugs he pushes online he's retarded and def doing more harm then good. Taking all of this everyday would be like a full time job. Is he diabetic is that why he takes metformin??? Here's a crazy idea how about you drink more water, maybe a multivitamin or some vit. D or C around cold season and call it day???????

>Gorilla Mind Smooth (6 capsules within 30 min of waking up)
Does this smoothen out the wrinkles in your brain?

>all this shit is easily $1k+ a month
>all to look like you’re in your late 30s when you’re barely 29-30

Good thing he gets so much money from peddling his trt clinic and steroid-adjacent products to literal teenagers by preying on their insecurities

Roidfags un suicide watch

No fucking way. Fuck this. Sounds like absolute hell. I'd rather kill myself.

Source on this? He made a video?

The only things there that are actually doing anything are Test and finasteride. The rest is useless fluff or huge doses of stuff you get from food that taking in a pill has dubious claims for benifits anyway.

Derek is the king of reading the abstract of a study and adjusting his whole life around it for some supposed marginal gain
>dude this study says that subjects that eat ove 30 carrots per week have a 10% increase in test levels so i've started injecting 1000% RDA of vitamin K in to my ass.

Thinking you can 'hack' biology and somehow become a superhuman via a stack of supplements is peak midwit and roider mindset. Nature always wins and nature is smarter than you. If you exercise, eat healthy natural foods and dont expose yourself to minimal post-industrial influences you will look and feel better than 99% of these people.

Also all of Derek's biology-maxing is based on his need to impress women by having marginal gains over men and overcoming his natural flaws via injecting himself with hormones and taking vitamins. Which itself is somewhat pathetic because you're basing your whole identity and lifestyle over impressing anonymous women instead of living a healthy life. Derek isnt concerned with health or wellbeing (perhaps he is to a point but it obviously isnt his main goal) because he takes test, which shortens lifespans, causes heart hypertrophy etc. In my opinion you are better off side-stepping this entire female validation based mindset and living life on your terms, which Derek obviously is not doing.

Derek obviously knows his stuff when it comes to roids but his whole mindset seems adolescent to me. Perhaps he does it for the money at this point but Derek literally has a long term gf and 6 figures at least, if not more. Who is he trying to impress by derma rolling his hairline?

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Only a total plebbit DYEL would believe he takes 120mg, he's saying thar because he wants to sell DYEL redditards on his TRT clinic

>taking all that shit
>not taking the coom stack
What's the fucking point

You are a pompous midwit lol

this is complete and utter trash.

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you forgot...
>muh Magic Spoon™