Worst height

>be 5'9"
>too short to be attractive to girls
>too tall to build mass easily
>just the right height to be invisible

Attached: fe6.jpg (655x509, 40.8K)

king of manlets

>>too tall to build mass easily
You mental m8?

>too tall to build mass easily
That is utter bullshit and cope. My best friend is exactly 5'9, built like a fucking tank and constantly gets girls. Stop making fucking excuses holy shit I hate people like you

Wtf are you talking about? Train for a year and you will be ripped at that height

Girls will see you as overcompensating though because you are too tall to be cute and too short to be hot.

dwarfmaxxxing, get big enough until your are wider than taller and all girls are scared of being near you

If you can't build muscle at 5'9 you are training and eating like a bitch

No girls see true manlets (5'6" and under) as overcompensating. You are just an average dude and you will look a lot better ripped.

>all girls are scared of being near you
Zoomer girls are also 5'9" they will only laugh at you. Dwarfmaxxing is not real, only orcmaxxing is but you need to be 6ft+ for that.

> Zoomer girls are also 5'9
Like 10% of them. That’s the female equivalent of being 6’2”

kill yourself manlet

nigger, it doesn't matter how tall they are if you are 3 times as wide, you could literally eat them in 30 minutes if you caught them in a forest

Except that a girl is as strong as you if she works out at that height.

dumb roasties don't know that shit. they think they can be strong like in their marvel movies
lol no

marvel cinematic universe rotten brain, inoperable

Average height, same as me. Just be happy the world was built for you homie.

>Just be happy the world was built for you homie
Everything except for getting a girlfriend.

>too tall to build mass easily

holy fucking cope

5'9 is manlet tier. 5'11 - 6' is king of manlets

5'9 you can still make it when travelling to SEA
5'6 is when things are rough, since you start getting logged by spics and chinks