5 feet 4 vietnamese living in the Netherlands

>5 feet 4 vietnamese living in the Netherlands
>surrounded by 6 feet 4 blonde haired white gigachads and 10/10 stacies
>go to the gym
>literally see men and women laughing behind my back when they look at me
It's over. Fuck white people.

Attached: Detonasian.jpg (962x1560, 1.12M)

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This comic is very subtle. I wonder what the true meaning is.

Yeah i know but family first

Just go back to your country then?

go fuck hot blond dutch hooker then

at least its legal there and easy to find, i aint fucked in 7 years.

>is white burger

Attached: 1640043074246.png (1320x600, 699.88K)

Go back to vietnam.

go back tp your containment board

I've heard that the Netherlands is a progressive country, so I came here and left my family in Vietnam. Nobody is rude with me but I can see the ridicule in their eyes.

You're imagining it Tran
Go about your own business and pay them no mind

Tijd om terug te gaan, Nguyen.

Almost all Dutch women are ugly
T. Dutch guy with baltic gf

They just laugh cause you are turbo manlet. I'm 5'10 Scandinavia, visited Netherlands and got bullied as short.

youtu.be/waoXJ_cT2rw vietnam video

I arrived in the Netherlands from a baltic country as a 5'8 guy. I also brought my 8/10 girlfriend from there (11/10 by dutch standards). I actually like that everyone is so tall, I feel like I'm living in a fairytale with giants. If I didn't have a gf though, I guess my chances of finding one here would be slim.
Btw home dumbell gym masterrace

Then go back, retard.

>travels to other country
>imagining the locals are looking down on me
>"f-fuck the locals"

Attached: sprooohh.png (637x588, 18.01K)

The Netherlands is an awesome country in many respects. My advice would be to maybe find a dominant girl.

Dutch people are very straightforward. They are not usually the type to say things behind someone's back. So you are very likely imagining it.

If you do hear laughing, just confront them and ask them. They'll like and respect you for it.

Good luck. What's your occupation in the Netherlands?

If you look closely you can see the true intention of the comic by reading the text in the border

apu not invited

Attached: IMG_3883.jpg (235x172, 11.98K)

No, that's not really it.

Fuck off back to gookland then. Fit in with your own kind. You´re not a chad Aryan you don´t belong here k thanks

6/10 could be better

I’m impressed how many bombs each of those planes can hold tbqh