Is the Korean Twink Aesthetic actually attractive is it just their fame that makes them liked by women...

Is the Korean Twink Aesthetic actually attractive is it just their fame that makes them liked by women? There’s something off about the jawline.

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fuck off back to Any Forums chang

>supply chains in shambles
>gasoline and dietary staple prices through the roof
>poor people eating their own shit to avoid total starvation

What Asian hate literally nobody cares about them. They are probably like the least problematic ethnicity in America.

A shame "twink" is the desired body type in Korea. Spent a lot of time there and your average male on the street is pretty broad-shouldered and could easily look exceptionally masculine with proper training.

plenty of asian hate on Any Forums

>liked by women

The thing about young girls is that they actually like young boys. That is the appeal.

Nice, that means I have a chance

yellowniggers have an inferiority complex

Didn't Biden just call mexicans rapist not too long ago? I can't wait until he meets with BTS and says something like "Sorry we don't eat dogs here." or "Why are your faces so concave?"

It's attractive in Asia. It's not always been the case, but it has been more often than it hasn't.

Because changposters are fucking annoying.

There are almost no mentions of changs that aren't bait. There's mostly no mention of ethnicity either. Except when the obnoxious racists that shitflinging in every thread and talking about their dicks.

It's difficult for guys to grasp, but women are much more emotional/feelings oriented than men. Attractiveness to them is not strictly aesthetic. At the peak of Beatles mania you had women throwing panties are these down looking bongs with bowl cuts. BTS is not attractive to men but to women their choreography, music and style makes them very attractive.

Attached: The-Beatles-Ringo-Starr-Paul-McCartney-George.jpg (1600x1571, 337.27K)

That's rich coming from south Koreans that treat foreigners like shit

South Korea is one of the safest places on earth, what are you talking about

Theyre trying to string asians along in the BLM anti white movement, but unfortunately for them, 85% of violence against asians in the US is commited by blacks.

But the media is trying to push the narrative regardless as usual.

Fuck off back to plebbit, Shlomo

>good hair
>good style
>good skin
>prime age

They tend to hate everyone that isn't Korean, many businesses don't even serve foreigners.

There is a reddit called r/hapas run by an insane half asian and another one called r/aznmasculinity which like r9k and every other incel community shits up the entire conversation and invades other online spaces like YT, Any Forums etc in order to spread their poison. you end up having people counter-trolling but this just makes it worse and people more determined to shit fling. Chang is just what they're called on 4chin.

> poor people eating their own shit to avoid total starvation
Not in America so who gives a shit

Anti-chink hate crimes are committed by nigs though. Is biden secretly being based?

Why can't americans feel that way about israel?

they all look like they wanna go rape some kids