Currently employing Stronglifts 5X5

Currently employing Stronglifts 5X5.
It’s going great.
Nutrition, sleep, and lifts are all on point.
Goal is to reach 205 pound bench press and 250 pound squat.
Afterwards, plan to cut to ~ 10% body fat.
Also plan to evaluate whether additional strength gains are desired after cutting.
But that’s neither here nor there.
Question is:
Should another program be adopted while cutting or will Stronglifts 5X5 at a caloric deficit suffice?
Main goal during the cutting phase is to maintain muscle.

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God what a shitty blog post. No one fucking cares.

Dude. I beseech you. Seriously. DON'T FALL FOR THE POWERLIFTING MEME.

>lifting to sub novice numbers then cut
hello, you gonna still look like shit and have no mass
you gonna spin your wheels and end up at the same place


lifting with compound movements as base and progressing strenght is fine and even ideal as a natty, as long as you add accessories for arms, delts, back and dont 100% powershit
because pro tip if you dont train a muscle it wont grow and compounds are not training every musclegroup

Strength≠size. Don't make the mistake i did spinning my wheels bulking and cutting doing powerlifting routines. It's not a waste of time but you could use your time more efficiently with a routine that has more volume and better progression system.

>you need accessory lifts
Agreed. Don't plan on compound movements forever. Mehdi -- the guy who created Stronglifts -- even says Stronglifts 5X5 is for beginners. Previously lifted with great results five years ago but experienced a terrible injury that kept me away from years and lost all gains so starting from scratch essentially.

>lifting to sub novice numbers then cut
>100kg bench press
those are fucking athlete numbers bro, or rather you'd need roids to hit that high bench press. you aren't fooling anyone

We posting nazi art?

Attached: Elk_Eber_.jpg (518x714, 263.53K)

Open to recommendations. What's a superior program? P.S. Not looking for size; actually want to be strong. Purpose of cutting is to not be a fatty.


Attached: Elk_Eber_-_Kampf_in_Warschau-Vorstadt,_1940_little.jpg (2524x2948, 3.6M)

Attached: jawlet wehraboo.jpg (462x425, 21.47K)

As aforementioned, not trying to be AeStHeTiC. Legitimately want to be strong for its own sake. Cutting is simply to maintain strength without being a fatty in my view. To each their own but this is my strategy. Appreciate the input but I feel confident in path forward and know what I want.

hell yeah bro, as fuck

nu fit is so fucking trash and mentally handicapped

if you take two identical copies of yourself more strenght = more muscle
more muscle = more strenght
thats the jist of what he is trying to say in the entire video anyway
using a bunch of roiders as example in the beginning, kek

Appreciate the input but none of you answered the question in OP.

When I reach my strength goals on the bench press and squat, what program should I adopt for cutting? Right now, I plan on continuing Stronglifts 5X5 *except* that I don't plan on increasing the weight on my lifts (unless I can); the goal is to maintain the strength I developed while losing fat. Is this a good plan? If not then what is better?

yeah I guess you can but you will lift less weighing less, you can try to minimize the strength loss


>you can try to minimize the strength loss
Yeah, that's my plan / hope. As mentioned in OP, I might bulk again in order to gain additional strength; however, I will evaluate when the time comes.


How many times must I clarify in this post that strength is my goal and that I plan on cutting merely to avoid being a fat ass? Why are none of you capable of believing someone wants to be strong for its own sake?

You will not be as strong as you are now once you cut, are you okay with that?

Yes. This is a process that takes time. I am fine with that. It's difficult to know in advance how much strength I will lose, which is why I said that I will evaluate my strength when the time comes. I am happy to go through this process as many times as necessary. My ultimate goal is to hover around ten percent body fat with enough strength to protect myself, lift things, and, in general, be healthy. I am aware of the fact that I won't be AeStHeTiC. I can live with that.

I see, well that goal is well within reason! I would say to keep weighing yourself and keep tracking your lift de-loading. It would help to track everything if possible and after a few months see where you are. You have a very impressive base of strength so even if you do lose a bit more strength than you'd like, it should be relatively easy to get back up to a decent level while being 10%-12%

Thank you. For what it's worth, I may try to increase my bench press to 225 before cutting simply because I peaked at 200 before I got injured the first time I lifted. As a young man, I dreamed of having two plates on the bar; but, sadly, things didn't work out how I wanted. I am older now and simply want to be strong; but maybe it would be nice to revisit that dream and make it a reality. I'll see how I feel once I reach 205. I am at 150 right now so it'll probably be 3 months or so until then. Thanks, user.