Parents of Any Forums, what are you doing to ensure your kids grow into physically fit, non-fats...

Parents of Any Forums, what are you doing to ensure your kids grow into physically fit, non-fats, in their childhood-teens?
>fats get bullied in school
>fats get less girls and are less popular
>fats are unhealthy and predisposed to diabetes

>i was a fat kid in elementary school and wish my parents took away the fucking plate, it would've shaped my entire life and personality differently

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OP Cont.

My plan is to get them into sports at a young age. My two boys are only 2 and 3, but they are in a toddler soccer practice in my area where they meet once a week to learn how to kick the ball. My hope is that early sports interest will make them want to play sports more seriously as they get older.

I am also working on my own physical fitness too, to lead by example. I want to be the "fit" dad who can run around and keep up with the kids, that the other moms envy and secretly want to fuck, and who's kids say "my dad can beat up your dad" and be right about it...

My kids are very young but no playing with mine or my wife's phone ever
No tablet.
It sickens me when I see kids in the grocery store or at a restaurant staring at a screen.
I take them outside as often as possible.
We have 6 little tykes houses, a literal town in the backyard. (They were free on goybook marketplace)
I also visit /diy/ they help me with projects around the house
I modified their power wheels vehicles to go faster.
They all play a sport.
My wife and I like doing spartan races. Can't wait to enter the kids into the kids Spartan races.
Just don't push electronics or Disney groomer tv on your kids.
If you don't enjoy spending time with your kids and teaching them things while watching them grow you should have never been a parent

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OP cont 2

I also want to encourage healthier foods in the house, and absolutely limit soda and shit sugar drink consumption. I grew up in a house with a dad who was addicted to pepsi and soda was a regular daily drink. But when I would go over to friends houses, water was the primary drink and soda was just not common or not widely available.

I have a lot of work to do currently. Their favorite foods seem to be
>chocolate milk
>hot and spicy cheez its

Although they will eat some green stuff, and they aren't a big fan of meat but will have a little bit. Currently they are not overweight at all, and are tracking height-wise to be tall and lean in their childhood.

This is the mentality to have.
You need to want to be an example for them.
Mine are young also. My post is below yours. I also want to be the fit dad that can run around and not get tired with the kids.
Kids love hands on projects and entertainment.

good for you user

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You gotta try to get them off the junk food.
My house has zero soda or garbage.
My kids think carrots and grapes and apples are snacks. They always ask for apples and grapes.
My kids don't even know what a poptart is. The only junk food they ever eat is cake when it is someone's birthday

Cute kid user, i too try to get the kids out of the house as much as possible. I love the power wheels mod. I tried it but for some reason I think I smoked the control board or something because it wouldn't go... oh well. I bought them the thunder tank 24v which they love and goes pretty fast (have to slow jog next to it)

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Same replier
I got them into salad. They love it. Especially when. I put cucumber slices. I send cucumber slices to school for snacks during lunch.
I think they like how crunchy it is. Kids like feeling textures when they eat.

Two badass boys right there.
I said in an earlier post.
As long as you love and enjoy being with your kids and have a fit mindset. Your kids are going to follow your footsteps.

cool but you can try to put them in rugby, it's friendlier and they build a good body too while being manly

not wife up someone who'll divorce me 3 years after the lil shitter is born
so ig I'll have to aim for someone sufficiently different from me mum

I'd have to see if there's much rugby in my area. I live in the states and it seems like its less popular here.

Based Kenichi poster.

can confirm, as a kid I loved crunchy fresh shit, and gagged at overboiled veg

Sports all 4 seasons. Hockey, lacrosse, and swimming

Great idea with the swimming. They love the pool.

homeschooling and working out with me. we have a pool and its really the only thing i can make my kids do for a long time, but they've become impressive swimmers already

Vitamins/ trace minerals, push fruits and veg, minimize eating out. Take them out and do activities with them like go on walks, play on the playground. Basically ensure they get daily exercise and are exposed to a variety of different foods, while minimizing processed and fast food

Same way you have a fit wife (since women are children). You have to do activities WITH THEM or FOR THEM. Make a healthy dinner, eat it with them, go on a walk with them, ride bike with them, etc.
Left to their own devices, children like women will follow the prevailing culture which is one of fatness disgusting fatness

Make sure you leave your children time to play by themselves so they can recharge and use their imagination. I hate when parents keep their kids too busy, kids need time to themselves

Sadly wife is 5’6” 215lbs :(