What’s your experience with the Reddit PPL?

What’s your experience with the Reddit PPL?

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Kek I love posts like these

I use it but I've stagnated so I was thinking of switching it up.

quality b8

ppl is too fucking reddit I would never even consider doing it

All those larp boomer stories here of guys 28+ going for younger girls were always BS. No girl wants a old man, sorry grandma but just because your youth is gone, doesn't mean any attractive younger girl wants ur old ugly wrinkly ass

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When people say shit like this its almost like a personal attack. My parents were 15 years apart. My mom was 30 and my dad 45 when they had me.

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You only need to lift twice a week if you are working out properly, eating right, and doing your cardio.

PPL is for fatties who dont actually WORKout.

I started the reddit PPL over my bullshit routine I made up and all my lifts went up 30 lbs. My arms also went from skeletal to just small.

28 is still young. I’d agree with you if you said 35+

Kek, use roastie spotted, clocks ticking girl. I'm 28 and I've fucked two 21 year olds this month. I also nabbed a 35 year old last weekend, age doesn't matter if you have your shit together.

>inb4 you call this a larp because that's how you cope

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my parents were like that too. anyone who says anything about it is a faggot. whenever you ask these people why a relationship like that is bad, their answer always is
>it just is, okay!

too fucking true mate. its sad seeing guys getting tricked into thinking they have all the time in the world. desirable girls dont want to date old men or be in a age gap relationship, you really do need to try and settle down fast if you want somebody good.

>All those larp boomer stories here of guys 28+ going for younger girls were always BS
The statistics dont lie. Younger women prefer older guys. Why do you think so many highschoolers were dating 20+ year old men outside of school?

That's not true. There are plenty of answers and you can find them pretty easily. You faggots always lie to make your point and that says enough about it.

It’s completely normal for 18-23 year old to be dating man in 30’s. My family. All do this and come from other country as immigrant. I have detest for sick American whinebabies that think they deserve to police love. Hypocrite and racist they are to other culture

And you didnt give a single one.

He kinda has a point. I work with a girl who's 22 and she asked me if I listen to One Direction.

>27 year old dating a 22 year old is weird
Is this account a woman?

It always fucking is.

I've unironically hooked up with younger girls at 34. I was actively (I didn't realize it till we started actually doing things together) in a quasirelationship with a just turned 18yr old I met at a house party. I didn't really think anything strange since it's not something that crosses my mind that often (live in college town so most girls are college age). No shit the only reason that tipped me off that something was off was a friend telling me her dad went to college around the same time we did and that she was his kid. Only reason I ghosted it was because she really didn't have lots of time for just us two. Most of her day was in highschool, then I felt weird being in another dudes house that's close to my age and they didn't want her being alone with me at my place an like 89% of the 'relationship,' was through phone. It just got boring.

If you have a baby face that's taken care of it's pretty easy getting younger girls desu. The oldest I've been with was 43 and only because she had a fat ass but my mean is around 24.