Been a coomer / NEET living at my desk for 6 years. How the FUCK do I reverse 6 years of inaction?

Been a coomer / NEET living at my desk for 6 years. How the FUCK do I reverse 6 years of inaction?
Stats 5ft9 199lb

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How are you fat with underdeveloped legs what the fuck dude

>How the FUCK do I reverse 6 years of inaction?
read the sticky

there is no reversal my friend :) only forward movement :) go get some exercise and swap jink for whole foods you stupid nigger

How the fuck are you that fat with tiny arms and legs.
What the fuck is happening

What this user said. Stop being a homo, eat whole foods and lift hard

why did you make 2 threads, SAGE.

Im a former fatass and started doing exercises from hybrid calisthenics until I got confidence to join a real gym. YGMI but not by spamming threads on Any Forums

This is what happens when you eat a diet high in toxic foods. HFCS, alcohol, trans fats. These are all metabolized in the liver and the fat stores are held in the abdomen. Also because a lack of exercise caused zero muscle growth

But why does he look subhuman? He looks like a skinny guy stuck in a fat hit. Look at the huge, swollen gut and boobs but the tiny wrists and legs. Is this even reparable?

That body in pic related is fixable only with the following.

Attached: 61231412341.png (369x213, 178.2K)

Probably alcohol, I used to look like this, literally just 1 month in the gym and he'll start to look human again

btw just starting jogging or something and hop on a program you'll stay on
if you have the time a 6 day ppl would be a good start, but you'll have to take it easy at first if you really haven't exercised in 6 years

I don't think he looks particularly weird. He simply doesn't have an ounce of muscle in his body and the fat usually is stored in the abdomen area. So he has in comparision small legs and small upper body which just makes his core look even wider and bigger. Lifting will help build muscle in legs and upper body and he will look like a solid rectangle. Then focus hypertrophy on shoulders, lats, and leaning out to get small waist will improve that physique dramatically.

Why are you asking such stupid questions? You and everybody in the world knows the answer to not look like a sack of potatoes.

Average western 30 year old consoomer

Neck yourself tranny

Do pushups daily 3 sets until failure.
Do pullups/Deadhangs as much as you can until failure, 3 sets.
Do Crunches as much as you can until failure, 3 sets.
Do Squats until failure, 3 sets.

Do this every other day. Eat low fat, high protein whole carbs. (Oats, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, lentils) Low fat Dairy. Nothing else. No proccessed shit.

It's literally that easy.

Also do cardio every day. Jogg/Bike/walking

No you schizo. Its because he doesnt even get up from his seat to WIPE HIS OWN ASS. His legs never do any work


Its over.

OP is a troll but if there are any of you neet niggas who feel like you want to change you need to put the work in each day, get a gym buddy if you can and start going or get some equipment at home. You can only do pushups and bw squats for so long