How do you break the barrer of getting into the gym? I have really bad social anxiety and no friends to go with

How do you break the barrer of getting into the gym? I have really bad social anxiety and no friends to go with

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if you want something bad enough then made up shit like this won't stop you

Exposure is the only thing that works. Getting in there, knowing your way around, create your routines/figure out what you like doing there. You also notice that nobody there gives a shit, they're too focused on themselves.

ex skinny fat here go early in the morning like 6/7 am in my old gym where i started there was only 2 grannies and a try hard. in my new gym (been a year) there's a old chink tryhard and 2 grannies and 2 roided manlets. also start with fundamentals (compound lifts) for at least 2/3 weeks

You're going to be working out at a public gym. People are going to look at you, just like you're going to be looking at other people. You either get over it like the man your father/forefathers wanted you to be, or you forever stay small and insignificant.

I used to have bad social anxiety too. I'd get the shakes, I'd stutter, I'd speak too fast, I'd be unable to maintain eye contact, and I'd clam up. Worse was I couldn't pee in a public bathroom.

The cure is to just go. If you want to beat your anxiety you have to tackle it head on. You have to accept that your anxious and put yourself in the worst possible situations for your anxiety. Face fears until failure and then your anxiety disappears. Also, beer does lessen my anxiety.

unfortunately there's no real trick and you just have to do it
one day just force yourself to go
i don't care if you cry on the way there
>pic unrelated

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Exposure therapy is the only way to get weak minded fags like you out of your house. I used to have social anxiety, but years of working in customer service beat every last fuck I ever had to give out of me.
Last night after work I was benching, and in the exertion to get the weight back up, a thunderous echoing fart shot out of my ass, and I do literally mean echoing.
It smelled like someone pissed in some battery acid, but did I drop my spaghetti and run out of the gym?
No, I finished my set and got started on the BB rows. Be like me, user. Do whatever you have to do, lift those weights, and fuck everyone else

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i started by going at 2 AM then eventually i got comfortable enough to go in the morning

I got used to a squat plug before going to the gym. wore it when I first went and realized no one noticed my advantage. Continued going and built a habit of going to the gym once I realized no one gave a shit about me being there or cared about my 1000lb squat plug

Realize that absolutely nobody cares about you, and people will only look at you from time to time because they are bored between sets. Nobody will judge, make fun of, or even care about you at all. And even if they do, they wont communicate it, so why the fuck do you care whats going on in other people's heads?

I have anxiety in several situations, but never in the gym. People are there to lift heavy shit up and put it down, not to look at people, socialize or form opinions of others. If you think other people will think about you in the gym your problem is not anxiety, but narcissism.

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It's sad that people with such anxieties exist. It's also sad that because of political correctness and whatnot, they aren't just told the truth: nobody gives a shit about you. As said.

Use the little what's left of your brain to not do anything fucking stupid, like drop weights, stick a finger to another person's ass etc. and you'll be just fine.

For real... isn't this kind of anxiety some form of narcissistic disorder? Thinking that everybody and the world revolves around you and someone gives a shit? The sooner you get rid of such anxieties, the better. It will make you a better person and less of an asshole. Good luck.

No one gives a shit. Just like going to clubs and bars, etc. No one really gives a shit.

If you haven't shat your pants while squatting at least once, you've never squatted.

Just fucking lift goddamnit.

Have some decency you obnoxious faggot animals.

Dude my whole body feels on fire and my face turns red and my forehead begins dripping with sweat. People think I'm a fucking freak.

When I see skinny and/or fat fucks in MY community college's gym I take my shirt off and flex near them while grunting, many dont return
Stay in your lane

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No you really fucking don't.

>No you really fucking don't.

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No, people don't think so. You think people think. People don't give a shit, it's in your head. Once you realize this and that there's nothing to fear, you will stop having the reactions. Just plan a workout and go do it. Forget about everything else. Focus on the workout. Well, try to remember common courtesy and manners, but that's about it. And then after the workout you'll feel good. You'll actually want to do it again.

Go at midnight if you want to avoid people

whats a tryhard, loser? stay dyel forever with your lackluster mentality

Just go

like literally no one gives a fuck about you