Fighting in 20 days

I signed for a mma fight in 20 days notice, my main goal until there is improving my cardio as much as i can without mangling my body for the fight night
I will train grappling 2x a week and striking 3x
What should i add to maximize cardio?

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So you haven't trained at all prior to accepting the fight?

there's only one answer

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Run, will also double as your game plan.

Do some strongmen variation of crossfit WODs. Works the best for fighting endurance. But also depends on your weight class. Am heavy, so I move heavy things fast and often to move my heavy things fast and often.

t. fighter with endurance

135er here pretty tall for the weight class
I was thinking kettlebells

I trained grappling and lifted 5 times a week and was smoking ciggs
Not the routine you want to do at least 3 months prior to the fight

Can you do push press, power clean, double unders, tyre flips, sledgehammers and box jumps? Technique and equipment wise?

Can't powerclean and no time to learn/get results of it
Can do the rest tho

At this point there isnt much time left to make any substantial improvements. Work on takedowns and try to get into a grappling position, don't bother with striking.

Actual fighter here. The best type of cardio is H.I.I.T. You're on a very short notice here but one of the best cardio workouts I've been told to do is go to a track, sprint down the straight lines and jog around the curves, repeat for 25 minutes. Obviously most people will need to build up to that, and you can't just build up to that in 20 days. You can't do much of anything in just 20 days, my advice to you would be to just strictly train striking and wreslting/jiu jitsu as much as you can during those 20 days and hope for the best

I see, guess i'm fucked

Just do the elliptical/run for 3 miles a day or start a 10k swing challenge and

Nothing you could do makes any difference in 20 days. In fact you should take the last 2 days or so off to be in top form on fight day, so it's only 18 days.
But you have a coach you can ask such things, right?

>repeat for 25 minutes
Choose one.

Also endurance is technique. People gas because they use unneccessarily much energy due to bad technique.

Most of whatever little bit you can squeeze out is gonna be cardio gains. You must do intense cardio like sprinting because in the short term it grants the highest overall cardio returns per session.
It will help you from gassing too much when things get intense. If you do any long distance make sure you don't run too slow or you're wasting a baseline level of intensity that will be needed in a fight, run, don't jog.

I've been training for almost 6 months now. Even though I progressed quite a lot, I still feel like I know nothing, I still block with my face, I still can't fight properly.
I'll suggest you invest your 20 days and money in lube and dialation so at least when your opponent fucks you, you can find it a bit pleasurable.

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>You must do intense cardio like sprinting because in the short term it grants the highest overall cardio returns per session.
>Frying your CNS two weeks before the fight
Outstanding move

Get another trainer

I trained for years and fought last time a year ago
I'm just really out of shape and my striking sucks

Where the fuck do you live where you can get an mma fight in 20 days?
I had to run around hoops to scrape a sanctioned amateur fight and it took me since october.
Its too late to better cardio in 20 days. But I suggest tabata sprints
>20 secs sprint
>10 secs stop
>8 times
>1 min rest
>3 series
That should make you feel comfortable with a higher heart rate. Also practice your takedown defenses. Also what weight class are you in?

Do you have this? I'ts like a meme but fuck does it help

This and chopping wood

Also drill takedown defenses. This was me (blue helmet) getting pancaked after dominating a 10kg heavier opponent with strikes for a solid 3 minutes because I forgot to sprawl. I won this one but I did not enjoy that slam.

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>impressed the right people
i'm the one who plan on doing the takedowns, i will train striking to better mix my takedowns with it