Gym girl said this to me

>hanging out with friend group
>one guy facetimes some british slag he knows
>i start cracking bongland jokes inna bri'ish accent
>say she sounds like hermione
>Make some joke about earl grey tea
>she says, "ask this fuck'a how you even make earl grey tea
>Say, "toss it in the boston harbor"
>bongchick gets all pissed off
>friend asks me to leave

Am I the asshole?

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>friend asks you to leave

Mfw Bri'ish and can't even read this shit kek

Nah, your friend didnt get the banter, find a new friend.

Yes because doing a shitty exaggerate oliver twist style british accent and talking about the queen and tea and teeth immediately after learning someone is british is the most played out humor you can exercise as an american. Basically you're an asshole for being unoriginal.

That's fucking disrespectful and misogynistic. Women are allowed to converse with their friends without having to some scrote trying to crack bigoted jokes. I'm glad your friend threw you out - hopefully they cut you out of their life from now on.

What the fuck does this have to do with fitness

Reddit tier humour
You know deep down your country would be far far better if it never left the empire btw

Shitty banter
Should've asked her how many times she got nonced as a kid

bongers aren't right in the head


cope and learn how to speak english, oliver


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>friend asks me to leave
he sounds like a simp

>>bongchick gets all pissed off
Zero chance a zoomer bong girl knows what the Boston Tea Party was.

Niggers don't know this is a copy paste from almost 10 years ago

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This is a yank larping
I know this because roughly zero british people know anything about the boston tea throwing thing
And absolutely zero girls know about it
She wouldn't know what you meant, so if this did actually happen you were probably just acting like a mong in general and she was sick of you


>friend asked me to leave
aka you got no friends

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