Sup guys derek more plates more dates dot com

sup guys derek more plates more dates dot com

Attached: 3d50514633a0d593.jpg (1280x720, 108.61K)

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just screams awkward

sup guys derek more money same autism here
nothing will change that incel energy lol

gets mogged by a random whore

Attached: dyel.jpg (1280x720, 134.31K)

Why does the left look like that? Is he finishing a huge cut and has lose skin? Looks like he lifts, but looks saggy

why is 1 side of his face fucked like he speaks with a side mouth

probably like 90% of people on here who lift but never get diet right and then wonders what kind of program or different rep schemes they need to be doing

>ok gonna lean on the car
>ok slightly tense core
>flex bicep lightly leaning on hood
>ok gotta keep good posture
>cross my shin across my other leg that would be a cool pose
>slowly turn head towards woman but not too slow

he's such a fucking awkward naturally uncharismatic autistic it's not at all surprising seeing how he ended up. gymcel looksmaxxing PUA roidtranny whatever he does will never change it

Attached: derek.jpg (1080x1350, 177.64K)

It's the 3 inches of lifts he's wearing. Look at his knee flexion.



Looks like a formerly obese man who jumped on tren

I have the same stroke-lite thing but I never hit my head or anything, I've just always been like this

Does anyone actively listen to this guy? I watched a few and he always goes into huge autistic rants and I just tune out

Is Derek getting solicited for a blowjob?


First one in a while that’s made me lol

wtf why does he stand like that lol

>*turn to cripple*

shoe lifts

Yep hes got mad fat-guy calves going on.

>seeing how he ended up

How'd he end up?

Dude has pencil legs wtf

For those calling him dyel

He admitted recently that he doesn’t enjoy lifting, and that he trains 3-4 days a week for 20 minutes or so

All his gains are from steroids

source of OP's vid?

What a fucking faggot

This unusual looking display is defensive body language. Notice he’s pushing his shoulders forward because he thinks of the deltoids as his greatest asset. This pose is a classic example of latfrauding creating a bigger silhouette facing his attacker. This deters predators from becoming potential aggressors to the derek. He will maintain this heightened sense of awareness until the competitor leaves, after which he will return to his nest and sleep comfortably; Safe in the knowledge he has protected his territory and the following morning can continue in search of a mate before the winter chill sets in.

Attached: IMG_6903.jpg (1200x800, 409.26K)

He'd probably look decent if he has better posture.

i hate him more the more i learn about him

It's like he's not an actual person, with his own distinct personality. Everything he does is to cultivate an image in the sake of garnering external validation.

>he's not an actual person, with his own distinct personality. Everything he does is to cultivate an image
sounds right for a guy who got his start trying to be a PUA of some sort apparently
