Which is better? Hanging knee raise or hanging leg raise? I can do both, weighted, but I feel the knee raise a lot more...

Which is better? Hanging knee raise or hanging leg raise? I can do both, weighted, but I feel the knee raise a lot more. I want an exercise for ab hypertrophy (I know it's largely about body fat percentage getting them to show, but I want to train everything including abs).

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Hanging leg raise is inarguably harder and better. You're effectively cantilevering your lower body out in front of you. The cantilever which spans the furthest is going to require more force to keep it upright, so when you extend the full leg your abs have to work harder.

Ab roll outs. Instead of the weight of your legs, you get the weight of most of your body.

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Not OP but I find I feel hanging leg raises in my hip flexors more than I want to, any advice to avoid this? is it a form issue?

might switch to ab wheel/dragon flags anyway

He said he can do them weighted, as said they feel different so it depends on what's more important to you

Same here. I feel the burn way more when raising the knees rather than the legs. But I do the knees after doing 10-11 of legs just to burn it off, so perhaps thats the reason.
How do you do them weighted? Ankle weights?

You need to curl your lumbar so your ass would be visible in a mirror for any meaningful ab engagement

Great thank you, I'll try this

Dip belt with plates

dragon flags and ab wheel

I think all those people downplaying hanging leg raises might actually be doing them wrong, it's a brutal exercise when done right.

I dont see how that puts strain on the abs making it harder to perform the exercise, you’re just dangling weight from your hips

You need to lift your butt, not just your legs, otherwise you are not even working working your abs.

Been doing this but I guess not enough, I'll fix it. Thanks user

Any thoughts on Jeff's gymnast tucks?

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The thing is you have to raise your ass. Imagine a girl is standing in front of you and you want her to give you a rimjob. The further up your ass is sticking the better access she has

That’s why you feel it more in your knees currently, since bending your knees up like that naturally tilts your ass up as well

the weight dangles onto your legs when you raise your legs the weight is on them

instead of the weight in between ur legs like dips you your legs together and raise the weight with them

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legs is better as already explained
use a dip belt so you can keep the plates on your legs, rather than between them, in a safe and stable way
if needed use a chain clip to tighten the chains, so it isn't just freely hanging around

disclaimer: you WILL need the clip for regular dip belts anyway
i have this prong powerlifting belt which comes with handles where i can put chains on, so i forgot regular dip belts are open on the front

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Are these actually better than weighted crunches?