Is it fine to shadowbox on my rest days?

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Wraparound jaw implant, rhinoplasty with bone implant, otoplasty, skull implants, hair system, steroids and HGH

Yes. Any cardio on rest day is a good idea.

Is it wise to achieve strength goals and then transition (lol) to hypertrophy?
I'm pretty close to the 1234 meme. I don't need any more strength after that. If I start doing more reps will I become weaker over time?

What I'm saying is will hypertrophy stall/weaken my strength?

Am I supposed to hate doing 3x15 or am I just weak at this exercise?

No mate. Do hypertrophy. Just maintain your strength by lifting max from time to time. Even, What lots of hypertrophy bros do it actually do a first set of 3 reps on highest weight. This expands the muscles and then allows your further hypertrophy sets to be more effective. This way you maintain your strength while achieving your goals.

Yes, each rep after the 5th one takes away 1 lbs from your 1rm. Jk you'll still get stronger because your muscles will become bigger

I was browsing Any Forums while doing by stomach vacuums and suddenly hot a nosebleed.
How did I fuck up and how dangerous is this?
It's not bleeding super badly

I think it's also messing with my brain given all those typos

How long do you suppose someone could live on bacon and orange juice?

Total cost?

>Wraparound jaw implant
Around 15,000$
>rhinoplasty with bone implant
I don't know
>skull implants
Only one surgeon does them, over 10,000$
>hair system
For a high-quality hair system that needs to be replaced every six months, around 2,000$ a year
>steroids and HGH
Depends on your area, could be 50$ could be 500$

I did a testosterone exam in February and my result was ~847 for T, and ~550 for DHT.
Are those good values? I've looked it up and it seems like the T levels are pretty good for my age (25).

I started going to the gym and need to gainsmaxx for the summer. Got whey, creatine and BCAA. What would be better for health and gains, to begin taking said supplement gradually or just begin to take everything from day 1?

Does one of you know of a good guide on jump ropes? Not routines/programs, but rather an explanation on how to choose what to buy.
Speed vs weighted, fixed or rotating handles with bearings, stuff like that.
I’m not a beginner but I never had to buy one before. Also, in case one of you can answer my questions instead of helping me find a website that answers them - I don’t care about tricks - I just want to hold a relatively fast rhythm for like ~20 minutes.

Thinking about adding cardio to the end of all my gym sessions. How long should my cardio session be? What's a good way to measure progress on effective cardio? Should I be keeping my heart rate at a certain percentage? Should I be running a straight mile? I'm not worried about fat loss, I just want to improve my cardiovascular health and capacity.

More sets, less reps my son.

>high-quality hair system that needs to be replaced every six months, around 2,000$
>every six months
might aswell get a several hair transplants until you look decent

>coming to Any Forums to brag about your t levels

>braging about T levels
nigger, I did that exam because I needed a baseline to start HRT. I'm literally taking medication to suppress T production right now lmao
The results page showed it was above the ""maximum"" for my age (~750 I think), which I found weird. Then I looked up and seems like it's normal for men to have even up to 1000 T, but most are below it.

That's the only reason I came here to ask, user.

Don't run

15 point incline

3.5 mph

2 miles

/sci/ wiki says green tea is a good nootropic. How how fast do the effects take to start to work?

do run

start off with mid speed long distances to build up stamina

after a while move over to short sprints

Dumbass you are near the top levels and probably in the top 5% of the Male testosterone levels and you are asking if its good, lmao. Proves sometime that high test is associated with low intelligence for a reason.