23 years old

>23 years old
>masters in STEM field and starting a good career
>6'1 and fit body

is it over for me?

Attached: hairline.jpg (1204x1605, 209.85K)

Fuck you faggot, you stole my quints

too late for fin
drop your body fat % and get a buzzcut, you probably have a beard if you are balding, grow it out

With those quint prime numbers it's not over.

Looks like you got visited 5 years ago.

it was over for me, before it even began

the back tells the real story but regardless, mine was much worse at 23 and i still slayed all the way up until the majority of options were single mothers. you'll be fine user. just dont overthink it.

i got no bald spots in the crown or the back, it's just that my front line got fucked up, and all my female friends keep commenting on it, and my gf flat out told me "im not gonna marry a bald man" and that i should get a hair transplant. but that feels like a beta cope

your "friends" and girlfriends sound like dicks bro. real ones dont give a fuck what your hair looks like. unironically seek better company.

ketoconazole shampoo
get on it before it gets on you

You should find a better woman.


i started micro needling and using a hair loss shampoo (i dont think they are working) but fin will fuck up my hormones, and I'm just not willing to take that risk. maybe i will still be able to score with older women?

if you're going to microneedle at least use minox with it. that will give you regrowth but won't stop the loss, you need a DHT blocker (fin or dut) for that.
have you ever tried anything like fin to be sure that you'll react negatively? side effects are rare on and they'll go away eventually if you stop.

i can't really blame her, women want the best man they can get. it's just their nature. i find it a bit depressing because we have been together for 3 years and everything was going great, but now it looks like she wants to end things because of something i cant control. I''ill just have to man up and accept reality

Fin killed my sex drive bud be careful with that shit. You can use a mix of vitamins to naturally block dht that works almost as good just google it

i don't want to play around with my hormones, that is tranny tier. but I have started taking vitamin D, C ,zinc , magnesium, and omega 3 supplements. but they are probably just gonna increase my testosterone levels and speed up my balding

Yeah I’ve heard some of my friends girlfriends say similar things to them. I always tell them that its time to stop thinking of her as marriage material now, use them for sex like you would a fwb. Then slowly start the “seeking new company” phase while sleeping with the one your trading in.

Well I hate to say it but some people are together a decade or more.
>you never know when that bitch is ready to dip out to seek some new cock.
I’m slowly thinning. So I might do a transplant at 30 or if it speeds up buzz it and rock that look or wear a system.
>you have options

Which STEM faggot post it it matters. I suspect industrial engineering if you have time to care about this bullshit.

chemical engineering