/plg/ - powerlifting general

Last post video of your lifts

>programs, stretching, bands, lift tutorials

>tripfag numbers

>conjugate pastebin

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Not technically early but it's close. Kys for good measure, Canadian



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>Kimcel thread

Attached: 1648082687765.webm (480x480, 2.05M)

it's late, you're tired from a long day and you haven't eaten enough today. what do you do?

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Order food




Speed Work 185 + double looped mini red bands.

Is there anything I can do to get a more vertical torso? I feel like Im just doing a wide stanced conventional with sumo. Almost everyone that pulls sumo seems to get in such a great position. Is this just an anatomical thing. I full with a frog stance. Like Angelo Fortino.

INB4 Straps.

If it's Fri or Sat, hit up strip club after.
Go to Waffle House @ ~3AM

My bench press stops at 3-4 inches above chest, what is my weakness?

Should have done more dynamic effort

Forcing a vertical torso for the sake of it is a mistake. If you're meant to have one, you'll have one when you start your pull.

Off the chest strength, so work long pause, spotos, t-shirt presses, etc.

Your Pecs

You also need to just be more explosive. You get caught there because you don’t explode off the chest

I will fuck you like a thanksgiving turkey, chink

Most relevant books for proper training:
>Louie Simmons
Westside Barbell Book of Methods, Bench Press Manual, and Book of Squat and Deadlift. One of the best authors for training fundamentals, but program guidelines are quite loose.
>Josh Bryant
Jailhouse Strong, JHS 8x8 Offseason Powerlifting Program, and JHS Successful Mindset Manual. Great author for training fundamentals. However, there is no free peaking program.
>Cory Swede Burns
5th Set, and 5th Set Evolutions. Most up to date training program templates, only the bench peak is outdated.
>Jim Wendler
5/3/1 for Powerlifting, 5/3/1 Forever. 5/3/1 for PL is a great beginner book, and if you like it, Forever can be used to adapt it for longer term progress.
Bryant's and Burns's books are well written, but Wendler is a retard and Louie cannot into English. All of the books are in the pastebin in Bobbergs's drive.

Louie is greater than all: youtu.be/PDnNG5k-u8I

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Squat: 325kg, 370kg, 392.5kg
Marrs bar sumo squat: 180kg 2x5, 230kg x5
Usapl bench w/15kg bands: 225kg, x275kg
Larsen Spotos: 170kg x5, ?
Squat pr. should have done a middle set, but im trying to go right fron 225kg to 275kg now. I think long run it'll help get used to the jumo and i can start focusing on +600lbs benches

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Tips for building up my poverty bench?
Bodyweight 185
Bench 225x3
Squat 410x2
Deadlift 445x1
A lot of times i have trouble psyching myself up for a big bench when i have some random spotting me which i feel might be holding me back. I've had people review my form and that's not the limiting factor.

Bodybuilding work, more bench volume, gaining weight

Thanks. Any specific movements of note that you've found to be effective? For bench volume, should i be taking sets up to like 10 reps, or more sets within a session?

I seriously don‘t understand what‘s wrong with my squat. Every time i try to do this exercise it feels wrong. Tried it again today and didn‘t even have a pump in my quads, just my hips. I‘m about to just drop it

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Looks pretty good. You're not supposed to have a sick pump in your quads anyways, if you're getting it mostly in your hips than you're doing it right, maybe wearing a belt will make it feel better?

rest 60-90 seconds and go again, repeat, repeat, now tell us if you get a pump in your legs. if you are doing strength training and the above is too heavy fine, drop the weight and do the above