I've had enough of being a 24st 6lb (~350lb/158kg), 5"9' fat fuck and I'm going to change it...

I've had enough of being a 24st 6lb (~350lb/158kg), 5"9' fat fuck and I'm going to change it. I look like that fat cunt boogie1488 or whatever his name is. I swim twice a week but I still have a problem gorging myself on the shittiest food you can imagine. I'm getting married in 2 years and today I broke. I need to get in shape.

I hate vegetables (and modern veggies fucking suck anyway) so this is the plan:

350g protein a day, from eggs, meat and fish.
100g fat from olive oil, butter, milk, cheese
25g of carbohydrates to "catch" anything in the dairy (e.g. milk).

Am I doing it right so far? What kind of exercise is best? I'm quite a strong lad so I reckon just lifting iron would be good, but is cardio necessary or what?

Wish me luck.

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Getting married in two years? Fucking how?

Arranged marriage.

Despite my rotund stature, I'm decently charming so managed to trick a woman into falling for me. Dumb bitch

Boogie 1488

Just do like 1k calories a day max, cheeto only diet if your a fatfuck and demand it, if you just wanna loose weight then do that.

If you wanna gain muscle and loose fat, then do cheeto retard cut diet util you get to like 250 then start weightlifitng heavy 3-5 days a week, and then once you get to like 220 use gear for the next 3 months up til your wedding.

In between browse /fat/ and /fph/ to keep you movitated.
IM kinda retarded so I hope you could understand what im trying to say here

appreciate the suggestion but I'm not poor so I can afford to eat meat and eggs and shit. I'm wondering if anyone else has done this? Basically "keto" but less gay

>(~350lb/158kg), 5"9'
do americans really?

I'm English

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Youre gonna die of liver failure if you eat 350g of protein while being a lardass

>350 grams of protein
Fucking based. Tell us your name for whenever we see that you died of liver failure

Anything that burns calories will be good for you, so do cardio.
Idk if you're gonna make it if you hate vegetables that much

Cardio and lifting are both optional but you should do at least one. Diet is all that really matters. You can do whatever meme stuff or macro counting you want as long as you count calories. Going below 1000 a day is hard but it's actually easier as a super fatty. 2300 calories, what you get from those macros, is fine too.

what the fuck are you retards talking about? Are you telling me that everyone who eats 1g per lb of bodyweight has died of liver failure? I suppose you count all the kazakh nomads in there too? Just wait when I post back here in 2024 after eating several metric tons of protein and I'm jacked as fuck. Alcohol and meth destroys your liver, not steak. Hippy faggots

>modern veggies
As opposed to what, prehistoric veggies?

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I live in a rural area and have a swimming pool in the gym, so I'll probably keep swimming/walking in the forests and then lift a few times a week. Last time I went to the gym I leg pressed ~220kg so I want to hit that feeling again.

I wouldnt call your 200lb pet cow a woman. Jabba

Unironically, yes. There have been multiple confirmed studies that modern vegetables have significantly less vitamin and mineral content than 50 years ago

alright manlet whatever you say. She's into me because I have a good job, my own house (in England that's impressive) and pretty sure the fat around my cock feels good to her for some reason, but oh well. Anyway I'll be having 5 children and you will be weeping into your protein powder, except one day I will also be fit, but you will still be alone

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Yes, actually. Through modern science and selective plant breeding, we now how more nutrient dense and better tasting vegetables than we did before. Did you know all apples have the genetics off a tree in the 1870s through grafting?


You do realize most people who eat 1 g per lbs arent 350 lbs?

Do you think I'd be fat if I knew the answer to that question?

Most people who eat like that normally don’t weigh more than 230-240 lbs. You’re liver isn’t meant to handle 350 g of protein a day.

Make sure to get fit before you have those children