Walmart protein $15

What's the verdict on Walmart Protein? It's only $15 smackaroos.

Thinking about running a scooby edition and chucking it with oatmeal for added fillings.

Attached: walmart protein.png (1114x846, 827.98K)

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I get the six star powder from walmart.

is that more expensive tho?

It's like $10 more but there's more per container.

poor ingredients

It's fucking whey. The difference between the platinum blend shit that sells for $50 and this is almost nothing.

Creatine in it tho
You lost your natty card without even knowing
Sry bro

All powdered protein has poor ingredients
[Spoiler] refined protein [\spoiler]

and what if the difference is heavy metal contamination? u better be supplementing iodine

I take 25mgs of iodine a day to offset the shitty hard water where I live anyways.


Attached: 1643454497480.jpg (540x1024, 133.42K)

so wtf should I buy

Walmart has like 3 brands under $20

I usually get muscle milk

any with minimal ingredients and transparency (3rd party testing and purity reports)
muscle milk was recalled for contaminants before

can you spoon feed me because i dont have time to research what goes into me

He would have to make sure it has enough BCAAs in it as sometimes they take them out. Check the grams of protein he's getting per scoop, no point being half the price if you have to take twice as much of it. A big corporation like Walmart probably isn't lying straight like American Pure Whey used to do, however every possible corner will be cut. You are better off with Optimum Nutrition. The expensive brands with a good reputation know what they're doing and are not scamming.

They got caught lying about baby food contamination, so not exactly trustworthy

So what's a good brand then? Money isnt an issue

Per serving it's a bad deal, the body fortress 5lb tub is a much better deal. I've used body fortress for a few months and I don't have any problems with it
after looking at the study, body fortress is in the top 5 best. Just get body fortress

garden of life grassfed whey