How the fuck do you make time to cook actual healthy food...

How the fuck do you make time to cook actual healthy food? I work 66 hours a week and trying to cook food means I don't have time for anything else outside of my 1 day off. Seriously, I can't maintain a consistent diet unless I'm eating trash microwaveable food.

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There's nothing wrong with fast food. Simply make sure that it has roughly the best macros without much useless bullshit and that's it.

Lol imagine being a wage slave that works 66 hours. I "work" 40 hours from home, but spend only about 15 of it actually working.

>66 hours a week
How much did your master pay for you?

Cook 1 big meal that is quick to prepare and doesnt take much of your attention. 15 minutes to make enough for a day.

I made the genius decision to open a business during the height of covid, the 66 hours is rough but I'm my own boss and get to screw around on a computer for the majority of the day.

Unironically, is what a wife is for.

How do you end up being self employed and killing yourself with work? That should be the exact opposite goal.

Because I want money?

I shop at Costco like an elite to eat healthy. A giant bag of rice and giant bag of frozen vegetables. Use a rice cooker. Some onions sauce. They sell tons of chicken options that you can just warm up. Now you have rice chicken and vegetables with little to no work. When I’m craving something between meals I got for a protein bar or clif bar. Avoid sodas opt for sparkling water.

Is your problem time or exhaustion? If its the latter, rice-cookers basically automate the process. You dump sum rice, broth, veggies, meat and water in there, turn it on and go take a nap. Wake up to a warm meal. Besides, research shows its better to cook stuff low and slow rather than grilling or frying.

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With that work schedule you can't, your options are:
leverage your extra money from working into paying someone to do it for you
Get a wife/gf to do it for you
Work less

If you're actually grinding that hard and making money you should just be buying restaurant takeaways with good food (not McDonald's). Or hire a chef. What else is the point of having money?

>Is your problem time or exhaustion?
Time, I get off work at 6 PM and have to go to bed by 9 PM if I want to get 8 hours of sleep. Your suggestion about a rice cooker or some other style of low and slow cooking is good though, I'll think about trying that.

steamed veggies takes like ten minutes and you can just rinse the fucking pot

I live in the middle of nowhere, the nearest fast food place is over 30 minutes away going 60 mp/h, let alone an actual good restaurant. No delivery options either.

Okay man whatever floats your boat. I only make 64,000 a year working my 15 hour a week job and it's enough for me to live comfy though. I don't spend any money on things besides the occasional entertain like golf, shooting, games, whatever and live incredibly cheap. I could probably invest all the money I've saved up but I just know chasing wealth isn't going to satisfy me, I have no desire to go down that path and it seems that many people that do are generally unpleasant on the outside and inside. But you do you man, I just never understood that kind of lifestyle.

you post here so you're certainly not making the best use of your time. either spend your sunday cooking up 2kg of chicken breasts and rice for your week, or just fry up a pack ground beef alongside some rice and frozen veggie mix.

Nah I feel you and you've definitely got a better setup than I do, but I've got alot of responsibilities and plans. I'm hoping to start a family by the time I'm 30, and at my current rate I'm making around 80k a year living in an area where the average income is probably 30k. Few more years of this and I'll be set to do whatever I want, especially if my investments pay off.


There's more to health than fucking macros you mongoloids.

OP, you know how to use Google. Use it. Cooking is fucking easy.

Holy cope. I work over 60h a week and eat simpel healthy food.
>Put some rice to boil and a meat in a pan. Ready in 20 mins.
>Put some potatoes 45 mins in the oven and a meat of your choice for the last 20mins.
> Boil some vegetables + meat for 40 mins. You got a soup.

Cook bigger portions for the next couple days.

Fast-food consoomers should be put down

The first few years of any self own business mean zero life outside of work. Only when things start rolling down and you can start to delegate most of the work is when one can work fewer hours a week

healthy food is literally throwing a piece of meat on a pan or grill, and waiting like 10 minutes. you are all just faggots

66 hours a week leaves you with no time to do anything.

That is precisely what business owners do. If they weren't dedicated their business would fail. Met plenty of corporate types that work 70 hours, get 4 hours of sleep a night and survive on coffee/red bull, some of them are dumb as fuck but always dedicated.

You're a fucking drooling retard. You imbecile buffoon. You worthless waste of resources.

Alright good for you, hope it works out. Just don't become one of those guys that says
>Oh yeah I'll work a few years then retire / delegate / live off investments or whatever
And then you never stop, that seems to happen a lot because people thing they have no worth if they aren't seen as a working man/woman. I completely understand not wanting to go full neet though, I did that for 3 months between jobs once and I was so insanely bored. 10-15 hours a week to work is a good amount to not get bored, but still not lose yourself in your career.




How the fuck do you even have time to lift if your work 66 hours? I work 40 and barely have time for the gym