I don't give two shits about looking good...

I don't give two shits about looking good, being strong or frankly even living past 60 but I'm deathly afraid of losing my intelligence and creativity and now I'm finding out that my two diet coke a day habit is probably giving me brain damage.

Is there any real substitute for this stuff that's easy to get/make and actually tastes like a bottle of coke? People who write diet articles seem to be literally retarded enough to believe seltzer comes close to it

Attached: 0004900004086_3_A1C1_0600.png (600x600, 127.65K)

>soda addiction

This is pathetic. How old are you dude. You really can't put down your gay little fizzy kiddy drink? You can't just drink water when you feel thirsty, like a normal human being?

You sound like a baby.

fuck off back to /r/hydrohomies. I'm asking a serious fucking goddamn question

What makes them give brain damage?

Why is diet coke giving brain damage?

I stopped drinking soda about 2 years ago now. Beforehand it wasn't uncommon for me to drink whole two liters straight from the bottle. I didn't find a substitute, I didn't phase it out gradually, I just stopped.
I'm not better than you. If I did it, you can do it.

>knows the names of specific subreddits that don't get screencaps posted here
Go back.

But the Greg dude on yoootoob says it's zero kcals and you would be stupid not to drink it!

This but unironically.

aspartame. apparently it's like the third worst sugar substitute behind lead and antifreeze, but it's the the cheapest legal artificial sweetener so that's what all the soda companies use. Coke used to make a version with stevia which is supposedly better for your brain at the cost of fucking up your digestive system, but they discontinued it

I've also looked into adding vanilla to to things which is supposed to trick you into believing something is sweeter but every time it tastes like dogshit

get one of those flavored water things, ass a little sugar and some msg.

It feels good opening a cold one during a meal while watching your favorite anime. it’s calorie sugar and caffeine free too

This stuff is alright a a substitute if anywhere near you sells it.

Attached: download (3).jpg (164x306, 13.99K)

Something tells me you devote too much of your life to stuff because it "feels good".

>I can't watch my cartoons without my fizzy fizz!

Attached: 4ozv00.png (703x800, 51.84K)

cause I don’t enjoy things that don’t feel good?

holy shit user stop being so uptight and enjoy life a little

Go look in the mirror and see what your life of hedonism has gotten you, fatty. I don't know why you're even here if you have no interest in fitness, this question would be better place on /ck/.

same prob.

just use seltzer(+citrus) and stop like this user

a 0 calorie drink won’t make a fatty. it’s almost like water, but better