/plg/ - powerlifting general

>Bollywood edition
post video of your lifts
>programs, stretching, bands, lift tutorials
>tripfag numbers
>conjugate pastebin

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my gym has a cable attachment that has parallel handles exactly the same distance apart as the log. What would be helpful movements with this besides tricep pushdowns and high rows?

Did he skipped last thread because of all the memes.

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Which one is bobby

REEEE-asking from last thread
>Am I supposed to pull my shoulder blades together whilst squatting and setting up for a squat? Neither the Coan nor the Duffin video mention it but I've heard it from other places.
>Also, how do you guys figure out the right spot for low bar? Is it that less bit of area where the bar will roll forward if you let it go?

It my birthday, wish me happy birthday

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Yes, but make sure you're keeping your rib cage pulled down into a neutral position instead of extension

Just play around, see what's comfy and stable

Bros its also MY birthday (more important). Wish me a happy birthday instead

Happy birthday

I cant sleep guess ill try jacking off again

Happy birthday to you... happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear user... happy birthday to youuuuuuuu

Happy birthday nons

>Yes, but make sure you're keeping your rib cage pulled down into a neutral position instead of extension
This is that emptying your lungs thing Duffin teaches right? It's basically just valsalva + flexing core, right?
>Just play around, see what's comfy and stable
I just found out earlier that my idea of low bar is the having the bar held AGAINST my shoulders instead of ON TOP of them. No wonder I've been having bicep pain I guess.
Thanks Bobby

No, what I'm talking about is avoiding an open scissor

Oh I gotcha, no lumbar extension (beyond natural) or flexion.

In this case it's moreso about thoracic extension, but that's correct too

>>Am I supposed to pull my shoulder blades together whilst squatting and setting up for a squat?
its not really a pulled together motion. cueing that leads to doing a facepull or some other nonsense and not contracting the lats and erectors together. its a like a lat pulldown. your shoulders aren't whats supposed to be working either.
>I've heard it from other places.
yeah, rippeLOL.
>of area where the bar will roll forward
you should be upright enough that the nat doesn't roll forward. ideally you want to stay as upright as possible. leaning too far foward ends up as a goodmornings
>cage pulled down into a neutral position instead of extension
this is why i think people don't cue shoulder blades. it also does nothing to cue the lats and erectors.
>instead of ON TOP of them.
building an upperback is key to having a good shelf. you should never be holding the bar weight in your hands

Bobby why are you lying to him?

It literally says in the book running is a different body adaption than running, are you trying to sabotage his progress and potential gains?

3 miles a week isn't going to kill his gains and could be beneficial for his recovery. If he was doing excessive running then I'd argue against it but that little isn't gonna do shit to kill his gains.

Gonna have to fight you user

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