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I dont get it

Based Igor
He lurks here btw
Fuck Fraud Douchette

I remember watching doucettes video when the manlet was at like 200k sub
how the fuck does this ugly manlet got 1.3m sub it's incredible
same with the derek dude, last time I checked he had less than 100k and also have more than a million
jesus christ

>turk builder
why would anyone want more turks?

kill yourself

> how the fuck does this ugly manlet got 1.3m sub it's incredible
The same way Derek became popular by making shitty, low quality natty or not vids about the most popular person right now and at least in Derek’s case he had knowledge to add but for Greg everything is an angle


Attached: BuckBreaker2.jpg (720x960, 210.1K)

he really appeals to the reddit and instagram fitness crowd, which is just a crowd i find insufferable quite frankly.

>at least in Derek’s case he had knowledge to add

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>bodybuilder sells supplements
>they're more expensive than the raw ingredients
Fuck off retard

Reddit incel losers and pajeet paid posters

I refuse to believe normal people sub to them or pay money for their snake oil

Should be cheaper than buying the supps individually. Pills have to be in a size range, so most of them are mostly filler. On top of that each bottle takes up space in a warehouse or on a shelf.

Look up the prices for D3 at your local supermarket. You'll notice it's cheaper per IU for the 100+ mcg and higher pill counts. Or calculate the prices of vitamins if you took them individually instead of taking a multivitamin.

Igor relentlessly calls out Greg shilling in recent videos

how are you still this mad

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I don't think he comes here anymore after he did that q and a and a bunch of faggots bullied him off of here.

And why would he?
Why spend an hour on this shithole when you can do cardio or workout instead?
Nothing of worth has been said on this board since 2016

most bodybuilder supplements are underdosed and overpriced

If they cost less than or the same amount as the raw ingredients why would he do it? His labor would have negative value.

You know you can pay for sub numbers nowadays, don't you?