Am I retarded

I eat between 100 and 150 grams of this shit, I love it.
Am I retarded?

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you mean you drink it... right?

Bumping because I have the same question. Also will the unmixed powder clumps fuck up your kidneys or is that a lanklet rumor


nothing wrong other than the cost, you can get away with eating less than this but there's no problem with gettng a lot of extra protein and there are marignal gains to be had from large numbers

I mix 50 grams with 10 gr of flour and 50 gr of milk. Makes for a à delicious paste.

I blend up two scoops a banana whole milk and 2-4 tablespoons of honey when I wake up and after a workout.

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the entire point of drinking whey after a workout is that its protein thats digested quickly, when you put milk and honey into that you're slowing down the whey's digestion

might as well go eat chicken instead at that point

don't need or care about it digesting it quickly.

Yes, you have a mental disability and a deficit of intelligence; the majority of your protein intake should be coming from whole food sources, not supplements.

Try mixing it with greek yogurt and milk.

You are probably eating too much protein, which means its being oxidized and wasted. Its not terrible but 1g per lb of lean body mass of protein is alot. its more than people need who train for hours a day.

What are the best flavours. I'm a Mint Choc maxi.
>Cookies and Cream
A little bit salty, nice every once in a while but not tub worthy
>Double Milk Choc
>Banana and Strawberry
Also just horrible

If you don't drink this with Milk I'm afraid you're doing it wrong

that brand has shot up in price, almost 2 times more expensive than shit that is 95% as good. save money, get more product and go ape made more efficiently.

Fucking phone posting french faggot suicide toi

seeth, you disgusting mutt


got any favorites?

I've been using this stuff for the last week, I get it from my gym for like 24$, It taste pretty good and is close enough to to the macros on gold standard where I don't mind the few lost macros in terms of how much im saving.

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Oy vey


imagine thinking you immediately need protein our else your muscles shrink post workout
whey or casein powder is convinient
nothing more
it doest magical do something during the anabol window lol
>omg i had a work out better run and drink my whey oy vey

More expensive

All their chocolate flavours are great
Mint chocc
Chocolate coconut
Double rich chocolate

Almost all whey went up significantly recently