Is it a meme that /just one 500mg cycle/ is impossible? Did anyone here actually do it without wanting to do it again?

Is it a meme that /just one 500mg cycle/ is impossible? Did anyone here actually do it without wanting to do it again?

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>without wanting to do it again
i.e. being happy after just one and calling it a day

I've only done one cycle of 500mg test. It's been going for about 18 months and I've been pretty happy with the results. I added some mast and superdrol as well. I will only ever do one cycle.

oi that's not what I meant bruv
I'm talking about one cycle of around 12 weeks max

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You'll get better results with 12 years. If you do just one cycle make the most out of it.

T is addictive?

yeah seems so, that's why I'm asking about how hard it actually is
almost everyone experienced laughs about the "just 1 cycle" thought it seems

It inhibits your body's natural production of testosterone.
To what degree is a highly debated topic.
It wont make you fiend like crack or some shit, I really hope that's not what you meant user.

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>It inhibits your body's natural production of testosterone.
Which normally reverses with proper proper PCT afterwards, right?

Plans on doing one cycle.

B&C for 10+ years. Many such cases.

Pushing your test up high basically takes you back to being 15 and all that implies. If you've been low for a long time, either because of health reasons or just getting older, it feels great and is not something you want to give back up. Not addicting in the strictest sense, but certainly psychologically habit forming. That's my honest experience, at least.

Well, you're dealing with someone who's willing to inject 500mg of T at once. So we can't assume they'll take that step :^)

How safe is 500mg/week (2x250mg/week) without bloodwork but rule-of-thumb PCT afterwards you'd say?

I did 500 once and was done. I didn’t do it to speed up growth I did it to unlock limiters (look it up)

Basically you take T once and you have a lifetime subscription to gains you physically can’t get without it

Safe unless genetic dead end. I'm on my 3rd cycle with no blood work fuck it dude

Yeah that's pretty much exactly what I'd like to do aswell but I'm a little scared because everyone says that just one cycle (TM) is almost impossible + I'm only 22.
Did your plan work out? Also how old were you?

I'm curious about this as well. I'm assuming you grew noticeably on cycle, how much size/strength did you lose after hopping off?

Lol. I threw out my nolvadex after two weeks, realizing I was definitely not going off any time soon.

Roids just feel too good my man

I did one cycle of test E and ended up moving states after my cycle. Much of my gains have stayed despite me becoming a fat lardboi again. at the end of my cycle I moved states and was pretty distracted during off cycle time so I never really had a craving to try again until tecently because now I'm 30 and have a lot of back pain and constantly need naps.

Plan a life change at the end of your cycle that will distract you I guess

If you are young and healthy, the risk is really low. Its more important for older men or men who've been out of shape for a while to regularly check bloods.

being the strongest and biggest you ever been is.

This isn't a source question but pls go easy on me for being a retard

Will I get in legal trouble for ordering steroids to my home address or something like that

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this is genius bro, you beat the system

Yeah it's a meme. I'm half way through a cycle of 375/wk for 16 weeks (maybe 28 or 20 fuck it) and have no intent to cycle again for another year or two and I'm pretty confident that's what will happen. No sides, no need for AI, good gains, I'm guessing minimal test shut down (some studies support this when they look at LH/FSH depending on test dose). I missed 8 days due to vacation overseas and felt exactly the same the whole time and even made gains in the shitty hotel gym and kept leaning out.

It's entirely dependent on your personality and goals. Nothing about testosterone makes it in any way addictive--it doesn't touch dopamine unless you count the good feels from mires. The shut down from your first cycle is minimal and quickly recovered from often times even without PCT (half the studies I look at don't even fucking PCT the subjects off.

>me becoming a fat lardboi again
>and constantly need naps.
you got sleep apnea from being fat.

>have a lot of back pain
stress related and poor sleep contributes to chronic pain like back pain

unlocking limiters kek, i cant look up something that 1 person just made up. you're alluding to the androgen receptor upregulation meme im guessing? lol

No thats what 99% of people do. If postal workers somehow just happen to randomly inspect your package out of millions for the day, and somehow the supplier is retarded enough to just put an unwrapped obviously labeled vial just straight up in a shoebox or something, you just tell whoever asks "no bro I didn't order that, weird huh". You only get in trouble if its caught in your possession while doing stupid shit like flying internationally at security checks or if it ships from your address to somewhere.

This entire fucking thread is literally natty delusions general.
You faggots are literally pulling facts out of your asses and other gulible retards believe this bullshit.