How long took you from DYEL to 1/2/3/4?

How long took you from DYEL to 1/2/3/4?

Attached: blackman.png (577x673, 827.4K)

I'm not yet there, but I've been progressing pretty quickly, almost two months ago i was struggling with empty bar and since then I've added about 13kg to it

About 3 months and I wish I could see more of pic related in my white neighborhood. I love diversity. Also I am not Jewish at all, so do not ask.

Im almost 2 months too
so far
OHP 1 plate
Bench almost 2 plates
Squat almost 1.5 plate
DL almost 3 plates

Squat is so hard bro, dont know why im laggin so hard in the squat department

I live in a country with no niggers. But latin america abos... not so great neither

>bench more than squat

weak core and legs

0.5/1/2/3 atm lmao. Been lifting for 3 months. But not max reps doing 5 reps per set at this weight

>not dyel

6 months

it was linear or were you having problems with some of the lifts?

Kill yourself

1 month

>OHP 1 plate in 2 months

i severely doubt this if you were starting from DYEL, were you athletic already?

Everyone here larps extremely hard. If you’ve never played any sports before and are starting from square 1, expect it to take about 1 year to 1.5 years before you can hit 1/2/3/4

Yikes, that's incredibly antisemitic, Chud.

Be sure you are using your glutes user. If they are not active you are losing a lot of power. There are exercises to wake them up

did boxing most of my life (but like 3 months per year)

care to share info about this mein bruder?

2 months in and my stats (for 5 reps) are:
S: 195lbs
DL: 245 lbs
B: 175 lbs
OHP: 125 lbs

I feel like my squat and deadlift are progressing too slow or is this just right? I suppos I'll hit a wall where I can't progress with the presses and keep going for the other stuff

You will still look dyel after you get 1/2/3/4
>T. 1.75/2.5/3.9/4.25

One year from starting to 1/2/3/4

6 months for 1, 8 months for 2, 10 months for 4, 12 months for 3

dont care, just want to be strong

Been doing PPLx6 for 8 months. Started from literal 0 after losing 40kg exclusively dieting (was obese) during lockdown.

Current maxes are:
60kg OHP
95kg Bench
110kg Squat
130kg deadlift

Lifting 3 times a week now since I started practicing K1 but still expect to hit 1/2/3/4 at the 1y mark

Took me a bit less than 6 months and I have everything documented on video. Starting lifts were 95 lbs bench, 105 lbs squat, and 205 deadlift. Now I'm over 7 months in and closing in on 3/4/5. I don't think my results are necessarily out of the ordinary since I was mainly focusing on strength pretty early

Got videos? It took me a year to get 1/2/3/4