/sleep/ general

Sleep is maybe the most important aspect to your fitness and the one you're probably neglecting staying up late shitposting on an Indo-Chinese macramé board.

Lack of sleep will:
>wreck your hormones
>wreck any gains
>increase your aging dramatically
>accelerate hairloss

What've you been doing to improve your sleep bros? I recently got melatonin to force my sleep sched for the week on sunday nights.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>go to sleep
>wake up well rested

Consistent bedtime and wake-up time is the key factor. Normies absolutely hate anyone with a consistent sleep routine for some ungodly reason.

yup, makes me wanna get a time machine just to kick teen self's ass for cucking his future self out of health

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How do i into good sleep hygine? Presently mine is shit.

1. Figure out when you want to wake up every day
2. Use the website sleepyti.me to figure out when you should fall asleep (not go to bed mind you) every day
3. When you go to sleep make sure there's no lights on around you. Pitch black is ideal
4. Make sure you don't consume too much caffeine throughout the day (google caffeine's half life)
5. Drink plenty of water throughout the day
6. Have a nice area dedicated to sleeping. If you have a shit mattress get a nice mattress topper if you can't afford that consider sleeping on the floor

Other things: tape your mouth with medical tape while you sleep (game changer)
Breath right strips or those reusable silicone nose opener things.

Thanks user.
Any insight on pillows?

>go to sleep
>constantly wake up through the night
>get up for alarm and feel like shit all day

same, all my life

>Other things: tape your mouth with medical tape while you sleep (game changer)
I started sleeping mouth closed and nosebreathing at night. The only thing it seemed to improve was not waking up with dry mouth.

I continentally started using breathright strips and taping my mouth the past 2 days and I have been waking up a couple times throughout the night, hopefully I get used to it soon

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I don't know what it is about seasonal transition periods like the one we're in now but it severely fucks up my sleeping.

>Try to sleep normally
>go to sleep and wake up progressively later and later
>if I set an alarm I feel like utter shit
I think I have a 26 hour internal clock or something

Same. I can stay awake like 18 hours before getting tired enough to fall asleep but need at least 8-9 hours sleep.

>go to bed late due to eldan rang
>Wake up 1 hour before the alarm, slept 5 hours, tired as shit, can't fall asleep
Why does this happen

>Smoke hella weed and eat some edibles
>Sleep fairly well

Stop smoking for 3 weeks
>Vivid dreams from suppressed REM sleep
>Wake up every 2 hours
>Shitty sleep quality

My libido is also back STRONG but fuck this shit sucks.

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>taking melatonin

Didn't you listen to HUBERCHAD ngmi


>good sleep quality
>vivid dreams
>suppressed REM

Nigga you are retarded

give me a qrd no way im listening to some 90 minute bullshit only to find out its some new age quackery bullshit

you are retarded.

ok so it is some new age quackery bullshit, thank you for your answer

Look at the desciption of the podcast you complete mongoloid.