This book changed my life

Read it anons, specially all of you who have been bent on a selfdestructive path for years.

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James clear? More like James leer LOL

I tried it and it kind of worked but the new habit fell away anyway.
In my experience any attempt to artificially control what you do all day always fails.

i just got adderall, works a lot better. also ironically i can actually read books now lel

Keep at it. Read it two years ago and just recently wanted to make a habit of learning to draw. Reread it and everything stuck. It helps if you trust the system, as it clearly states.


That's funny, that is the exact same habit I was trying to learn. Maybe I will try again.

For me, drawabox and its structured learning system has helped me stick to it. It IS a grind, but I can actually see that I’m improoving. Perhaps you should try it:

I finished it and my drawings still sucked dick

Post drawing

Summarize some of the teachings you've learned from this book and I might give it a shot

I want to learn watercolor painting, user. Will people think I'm a fag if I sign up for a class?

I should have used what this book was teaching me to finish reading it because I stopped about a third of the way through

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meaning it didnt actually work

>do the same things over and over until you do them automatically

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It worked for me, to those who didn't work for them probably have shit reading comprehension or can't stick to things.

looks kinky

Why would they lmao. You should first work on figuring out what makes a fag. Hint: it usually is an attraction to other men and a love for penises other than your own.

This doesn't seem very revolutionary or helpful. It's like telling someone "oh just start working out and progressively increase the weight". The advice will technically lead to good results if followed by it doesn't really tell you how to do it or how to muster the motivation/discipline to get started and how to stick to the program.
>want to quit smoking? easy, just don't smoke
I mean yeah, no shit

It's way more than that and it gives really good advice, it tells you how to make an habit really easy to do and to kill bad habits I recommend it.
t. Someone who read it.

So can you summarize a tip or two? Not verbatim from the book, just try to relay what you've learned.

More like Gaymes Queer

It advocates for identity change by means of not focusing on a goal but rather on who you want to become, actually believing you're already that person

Example taken from the book:
>I'm the kind of teacher who stands up for his students.

Then any habit you want to develop in order to become that kind of person you already fell you are is going to reinforce that idea, and small changes will eventually leaf to a big shift.

Example for fit:
>I am the strongest racist and ever vigilant of the manlet pit.

Then habita you pick up will lead to reinforcing that idea.

There is obviously much more than that, but that is like the second chapter of the book kek.

fag is more how you act rather than what you do, if you want to paint, as long as you arent a fag about it then fair game.