Clean bulking is impossible

clean bulking is impossible

Attached: broccoli hair zoomer pepe.jpg (996x1024, 107.33K)

What are your eating habits like? It's easier for me if I can get a lot in during the first half of the day but its a slog no matter what

I only clean bulk if peanut oil counts as clean

this pepe kills me every single time

>egg whites
>cottage cheese
>greek yogurt

if your body is telling you to stop eating then stop eating

>that sugar

My hair is like that Pepe because there is literally no other good haircut for men with curly hair

it's really not

except having a long hair buddy

but still, you keep posting
are you jesus???

why? eat 2500 calories of normal food whatever the fuck u want and then last 500 calories from like reeses's feces/chips, why is it so hard?

Just buy some styling gel/ wax retard.

>zoomercore instead of grungecore

Attached: Flower-1989.jpg (800x450, 308.79K)

Nice photo OP fr fr

Attached: Brocolli mode.jpg (1500x2000, 520.79K)

>That Zoomer haircut

Why do Zoomers think that shit looks good? Also what race does that twink even belong to

3000cal is a bulk for you? are you 5'3?

To do what?

that isn't a clean bulk

clean bulking is ezpz, you just gotta strip it down to the basics

>hit protein target
>hit calorie target
>keep sugar/carb intake close to lifting time
>avoid PUFAs
>eat clen and tren hard

You can bulk on skim milk, op. I'm doing it right now.