Power coper here

I am the epitome of a power coper

I first started lifting trying to be sexy, and I failed because I couldn’t stick to a diet to lose bodyfat…. So I started power copeing and got even fatter…

But I failed at powerlifting, I failed to even get a 3 plate squat, so I’m a fat dude with a 2 plate squat and just weak as fuck in general

How do I fix my situation? I really just want to be attractive, lean, etc, I don’t care at all about strength or powerlifting, that was 100% a cope by me

What can I do now to just focus on looking good? I assume I’ll have to stop the whole powerlifting lifts, and join a gym a start using bodybuilding machines and cables, training in the high rep ranges, and isolating all my muscles? Right? Also I’d have to really get my diet in order and get into a calorie deficit? Right?

Any help is appreciated

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>What can I do now to just focus on looking good?

Thats gay, you must be homo right? Working out to look good. How Vain!

What's wrong with vanity? Vanity inspires care for self and nurtures a sense of self esteem and worth.
Stop eating like a pig first. Keep training the compounds but add some volume, not too much, but little by little titrate it up. Add some isolation too, not necessarily machines, but add some work for arms and back. Start doing more calisthenics like pushups, crunches and chinups if you can. Push your rep ranges up from 5, to 4-8, 6-12 and 10-14 at most. Good luck! Hypertrophy is a noble goal my friend. It is a long and arduous journey but you will be rewarded plentiful for your work.

>Also I’d have to really get my diet in order and get into a calorie deficit?
There's your answer

Yeah but I don’t think I can get my compounds in while on a diet because dieting makes me really really weak, if I’m gona be dieting I’d basically be just using machines and cables at the gym and focusing on getting lean, not worrying about strength or functional lifts. Just focusing on the pump, the squeeze, not worrying about strength, just worrying about losing bodyfat, not worrying about strength at all

Why do you guys come here of all places for advice? You might as well ask G- Shred for advice because you're gonna get idiots like telling you to not eat like a pig as if you never thought about not eating too much.

The diet breaking is a sign of something being wrong, whether or not it's your dedication, the reason why you're doing this or stress eating in some form or fashion figure it out.

It’s more that when I start dieting, my brain does everything to tell me why am I bothering trying to get lean, why bother, it’s over, blackpill blackpill, etc etc

It seems I became blackpilled when I enter a calorie deficit

>just worrying about losing bodyfat, not worrying about strength at all
But isn't that your main goal after all? I'm currently doing a PPL split just to gain mass and when I eventually plateau I'll start training for strength. If you really want to 'look good' you have to change your diet OP, or else you'll be in pigmode eternally

No no don't do a suicide cut, do a 300 calorie deficit at most and maybe even a recomp if you aren't super fat.
Fuck you on about tard? He just asked about diet, go fuck yourself nigger

>What's wrong with vanity? Vanity inspires care for self and nurtures a sense of self esteem and worth.


>cutting? Why would you want to do that??!? You don’t have enough strength to cut, you need to be STRONGER!! Eat MORE and get your bench squat and deadlift UP! Fuck being lean, that’s for faggot pussies!

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There's a huge difference being lean 10 kilos below your height (ex. 70@180) and being lean 10 kilos above.
Eat a lot, lift heavy and in 5 years you'll look strong, healthy , lean and athletic instead of anorexic and malnourished from chronically under eating

Kys retard

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OP here. I’m like 30% bodyfat and have a big fat guy and love handles.

It’s not like I’m some guy that’s 15% bodyfat with a slight mini fat pouch on lower abs…

>kissy face

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Well then work hard and eat well and stop looking for quick fixes.
You sound like a guy that has no muscles so even if you cut you will have nothing to show for

Pic related is me

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Between this and yesterday's thread, I don't think there's a single NH fan that squats 3pl8 and/or looks good.

just by dieting and cutting sugar will help, do cardio before your meals
pretty the fuck up, get a nice hairstyle, mew take care of your skin

>2pl8 squat
Lmao, you're still in the middle of your novice phase. You didn't fail as a powerlifter, you never even tried to be one. You failed as a novice lifter.
How long have you been lifting? 3 months?

Listen OP, the only thing that matters right now, is that you cut. Just do any reasonable program PPL, UL, SS, SL whatever and combine that with a 500 cal deficit. Personally, I'd advice you to do SS first (yes, you can do SS on a cut if you're obese) for rapid strength gains

strawman argument
just do whatever the fuck you want dude
nobody *really* cares about your gains or physique in a noteworthy manner if you're not also a well-adjusted, financially stable, & socially competent man
being a gymcel who even cares about this shit is gay as fuck, get a job and find a girlfriend before you're left with the eggless whores