How much can you front squat?

how much can you front squat?

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a decent amount

140kg was my max till my back healed enough to return to back squatting

502 x 5 last week get fucked weaklings

Probably around this for 1

i did 90kg once :)))

Not much at all, my wrists are in intense pain after just 2 sets at moderate weight. Cant be bothered to stretch my wrists all the time just for one movement so i stick to fairly vertical torso high bar squats instead

How does Any Forums feel about zercher squats? Started adding front squats, RDLS and zercher squats to my leg day routine. Started with the bar cause I wanna work on form and not fucking myself up. Also rate/critique my leg day.
BB Squat:4x12, or 5x5.
Front squat 4x12
Zercher squat 4x12
RDL 1x10
Good mornings 4x12-20
Barbell calf raises 5x30
Sometimes I'll do a loaded hike with 40lbs for 2-6 miles if I feel like doing some form of cardio.

Stupidest fucking routine I've ever seen. I bet your best squat is < 300 lbs you stupid weak dyel fuck. You have no idea what you're doing.

:(, I just do random shit desu.

>snaps your wrists

>I just do random shit desu.
No fucking shit. All you have to do for squats is literally 3x5 or even 1x5, 1-2x a week depending on your progression level. Go up 5 lbs every time. That's ALL the volume you need. If you want to do your gay bodybuilding hypertrophy shit too, fine, but just go do some leg extensions afterwards or something.

SLRDL 3x10 (pull days)
BSS 3x10 (push days)

That’s all you need. Leg day is for retards.

>front squat
>back bench
>overhead dips
if someone can give me some more unnecessary bullshit lifts to further fluff out my routine for no reason I’d appreciate it as I am an once with nothing better to do

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thanks anons.

Be honest lad, I usually just do either back squats or ssb squats, then leg extensions, back extensions and maybe some belt squats. I would say your doing too much.

Have done 160, but could do 4 plate if I trained it. Main probably is shit mobile so have to cross arms instead of front rack.

>Have done 160
This better be kg

Considering he said he could probably do 4 plates I would assume kg.

you're retarded. your back is stiff not your fucking wrists your forearms are parallel to the ground with stretched lats


kek. Yea haven't been training it and I've never tried to max it out. Honestly dk

cant do front squats... dunno why its so hard to get the form down for this

3pl8 for 1 was my pr. Nah, not going to get fat and pretend to be natty to hit 4pl8 or whatever you incels like to do.