How to get my OHP numbers up?

I'm at one plate bench, 2 plate squat and 3 plate diddly but my OHP sits at a shameful 65 lbs. I just can't do add more weight, man. I start to tremble. What do?

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OHP more. 3x a week heavy, med and light day.
Hit varitions
>push press
>z press
>seated db press
>smith machine shoulder press
>landmine press
Smash tricep and shoulder isolations for 8-15 reps
>close grip bench
>tricep pushdowns
>lying tricep extensions
>overhead tricep extensions
>3 way delt raises

Press more

This but unironically. I am adding consistently 1kg to my OHP once every 2 weeks and a half but I train it twice a week.

Make sure you're not bending your wrists when pushing up the weight

try to OHP at a smith machine. I know smith machine is gay but its a good way to progressive overload. At least it did for me

I mean more frequently
If you want to focus on pressing then you should be doing it 4x a week minimum

My OHP is 43kg for 5 reps
Bench is 1 plate for 5 reps.
I focus on doing OHP first. Doing this also improved my bench. Going from 40kg to 43kgOHP also got my bench from 55kg to 60kg for 5 reps.
My routine:
OHP 43kg for 5
>Again for 3 - 5 reps
>drop weight down to 40kg, 4-6 reps
>go again for 4- 6 reps
>drop weight down to 35kg, try for 8
>try again for 6-8 but moving the bar faster
>drop it down to 20kg and go to failure while moving the bar up fast as i can. Try to do this twice.
This really takes it out of you
Then instead of bench i will do close grip bench instead which helps OHP.

I also have a bar at home set up with 30kg that i clean and press a couple times everytime i walk past it. I'm doing OHP 4-5 times a week.

how to avoid bending wrists? happens when benching heavy too.

buy a wrist strap

Train em, hang on pull up bar for 2mins, with thumbs under bar grip

You're not a woman are you?

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the barbell path on a smith machine isn't suited for ohp at all
start doing 5/3/1 for ohp since those number are still novice lifting

what is her story?

Your issue is not your press, you're just weak overall, keep at it and increase lift 2.5 / 5lbs a session.


spaniard, with some panchita dna.

still accepted for the fight against the root of all evil: the anglojews

it works pretty well for OHP if you use the one with an incline

> spaniard, with some panchita dna.

Nigga what she is fully Spanish

This is correct. Don't forget to always focus on technique and make sure to do front squat holds to build up core + back strength.

Suicide grip. It forces you to not hyperextend and keep the bar supported by your palm heel.

not OP but do dips carry over to ohp at all?