Childhood diet

>parents always fed me like shit
>my body is permanently fucked
This sucks.

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>blaming your parents as an adult
infinity cringe, man up

I say this sincerely, kys.

Either run from your past or learn from it.

Mine did too. But I managed to un-fuck my body. Your not permanently fucked, it's just going to take a while if you work on it.

How did you do it? I can't get rid of my stomach fat. It's like a permanent pouch.

It’s not permanent in terms of being “fucked” but yeah having a good diet and exercise habit during childhood would probably have made you taller and thicker boned than you currently are. I was obese until freshman year of highschool in 2009 when I found Any Forums and followed one of the full autism Any Forums diets (curds and oats anyone?) and lost like 80lbs during puberty. Probably cost me about an inch of height but I’ve been Any Forums since then so probably worth it in the long run.

Your genetics are much more responsible for your adult dietary patterns.

Adoption studies have shown that adopted children will adopt the diets of their genetic parents once the child moves out of the house.

So you take a child born to parents who eat pizza and burgers, have them raised by devout vegans, and once the child moves out of the house and is able to procure their same food, they will very likely adopt a diet of pizza and burgers.

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>hit teens
>don't get fed enough
>forced to wake up way to early
>barely clear 6ft
>little brother eats and sleeps and exercises more
Being the oldest brother sucks sometimes. I had to fight every stupidity my parents had my entire childhood and only my younger siblings reaped the rewards.

Drop down to like 5% fb. Don't even try to look good, just be skelly mode for a few months. This is the only way to correct the weird fat distribution that childhood obesity causes. Start lifting and eating normally after that.

This, I'm afraid, because I suffered from the same thing. Unfortunately, the way the body works is that stomach fat is usually the last thing to go, so you'll have to get ultra thin to burn it off. Look on the bright side, though: After you finish up with that, making muscle gains will be incredibly easy! Like I said: This shit takes years to fix.

Your retarded if you think your parents fucking up your health isn't their fault.

My parents fed me shit but I was extremely active so it didn't matter.

This is your sign to get a manual labor job this summer bro. I wasn’t completely fucked but I was stuck skinny fat dyel from a steady diet of bullshit food, doctor pepper, and video games most of the day. I recomped my body doing manual labor for a spring and the entire summer it’s insanely easy cause everyday you’re building muscle losing fat and conditioning the hell out of your body. No smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol either. Pack loads of sandwiches and drink those gallon jugs of water and avoid gas station breakfast and lunches. You’re gonna make it bro.

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Holy cope



I was chubby up until my early teens and it basically worked out to be like a bulk cut cycle for me. All my friends who were skinny throughout my childhood never grew up and still look like skinny children , they're greasy and disgusting and incapable of doing anything physically. Not even the type of skinny that looks good , they aren't trimmed / lean just straight emaciated.

>no sports or physical activity, half of my diet was high fructose corn syrup and wheat products up until i started cooking for myself at like 19
>look pretty decent now but can never fully undo the damage to my frame and height that shit does to your body in adolescence
i'm not going to repeat the same mistakes for my sons though

School is fucked up and starts way too early. Kids need so much more sleep than they get.

>get put on ADHD meds that completely kill appetite in preteens
>little bro ends up 2 inches taller

Lmao you can tell an irresponsible baby boomer is behind this post

>you're already 12 you should behave like an adult already

Millennials are a fucked up generation thanks to the "great" parenting boomers did

Lmao you can tell a faggot-ass zoomer is behind this post

>I'm only 35 I'm still young

Zommers are a fucked up generation thanks to imageboards and anime