Why women dont autistically clean themselves up after sex, they just lay there with the cum all over them

Why women dont autistically clean themselves up after sex, they just lay there with the cum all over them

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They are good girls

I am a near 30 year old kissless virgin so I don't have any idea

my gf cleans up for like 10 minutes after sex. it's annoying because she just lies there wanting attention until I go shower and then she runs to the bathroom to use it before me so I have to wait

It depends on the woman
If she doesn't care about the cum dripping over the bedsheets, she's a slut
If she cleans, she's a good girl

My gf immediately goes to the bathroom to pee after. She says it prevents UTI.

Out of alle the women I've fucked there was only 1 who didn't do the post-sex cleanup and it seems so fucking weird to me
What you can do (and what I do mostly) is:
>cum in missionary
->tell her to grab on to you
>koala hold
>dick still in her working as a plug
>get up
>go to bathroom
>plop her down on the toilet
It's pretty fun, me and my ex would start giggling and I'd start walking faster because her giggling pushes out my dick and cum so it'll drip everywhere kek

Fuck I miss her bros

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They’re waiting for you to bring the rag/wipe/tissue/towel

They act like it's weird when I get up immediately after sex to get a towel for them.

She’s right

I knew a 35 khhv and he lived with his mother. He literally looked 10 years younger than his age, I guess women and sex and really really age a man

I cum in their mouths
If she spits or turns her head i ghost her

If I bless a woman with my sneed I would be dishonored if she rejected my gift

>He literally looked 10 years younger than his age
I have a baby face as well, still get asked for ID when I buy alcohol.

I wouldn't look at it as a positive though a man should look his age, not to be treated as a damn high school boy

that only matters in your early to mid 20s, any other time you're way better off looking younger

I've never had sex before but I always figured if you just came inside of them most of it would stay in there? if it all leaks out then how do people get pregnant?

Never had pussy. Can't relate

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After I cum inside my gf, I keep my dick inside and we just cuddle for a bit. Then she goes toilet because of and if she squirted and thus wet the sheets she even washes tthem.


I've had sex before and I can tell you if you cum while pressing your dick deep inside of her, it takes hours for some of it to leak outside, so a lot of sperms will get the chance to swim upstream. I guess if you have a small dick you can't deposit your cum that high up.

I only cum inside my wife. she cleans up pretty quick cause the semen starts coming out and making a mess after a while. Sometimes we'll snuggle and trap the semen between us, but that's even more of a mess to clean up.
ejaculate inside, wipe up, pee, get back in bed.

Is your wife on the pill or are you expecting to conceive a child?

The pussy liquifies your cum because it is slightly acidic. A lot of it simply runs out as a clear liquid.
Same thing happens when you leave it on skin for a while. Again because of ph value.

Also, handing her a towel or whatever to clean herself up is just common sense. Especially because I don't like sleeping in my own dried cum unlike people like Only thing I would never do is getting them something to spit out my cum. Heard stories about women who do this. Gladly never had the situation myself.

she's pregnant with our 3rd
