Should I bulk or cut?

Should I bulk or cut?

Full pics:

>21 Years Old. 5 ft 10, 154 lbs.

Should I keep bulking or cut? What is my bf%?

I've been lifting for 11 months. I started skinnyfat. 10 months was eating at maintenance, I've been lean bulking for a month

My current lifts are

>OHP 140, Bench 230 lbs, Deadlift 340, Squat 250

I want to gain muscle but I don't want to get fat. I have a trip planned with my gf for may 1st and I am leaning towards cutting for a month, maintaining for 2 weeks during the trip and then go back to bulking. Do you think this is a good plan?

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i feel like i only look good if i suck in my stomach.

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you should lift and do HIIT

thanks, i spermed all over the floor you fucking faggot

BULK. Especially if you want to have anything to show off after your cut.

Whats ur ethnicity? Id let u smash



what do you think my bf% is right now? I feel like my belly gets bigger or smaller depending on meal timing and when I last worked out.

I've never had visible abs before so that is a goal of mine but I don't want to cut and be just a skinny loser. Do you know what would be a good endpoint for the bulk?

Hot i love iranians they really attractive

yeah, give some attention to
- rhomboids (pulls shoulders back)
- rotator cuff (externally rotates the arm)
- multifidus/spinalis (lifts the pecs/chest up)
- chin tucks with retracted head/neck

multifidus is the most important part, because it lifts the whole chest up with the sternum and ribs, where the outer and deeper layer of abdominals have their origin so actually your abdominal wall will flatten and flexed without your abs actually working

on the other hand if you overdevelop your abs it will just overstretch the multifidus and you can work your ass off your posture wont be better - in fact it will be worse

otherwise you look quite yummy already
>y-you forgot to say 'no homo'!

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Out of curiosity what did you look like at your starting point 11 months back?

I only had one shirtless pic from then and I sadly deleted it because I thought I looked bad but I was 158-ish lbs and way more belly fat and more jelly man tits. My chest is more muscle than fat now and my shoulders have gotten a bit more capped since then. Also my lats have gotten significantly bigger.

I've only been deadlifting for a month or two and I can feel my traps getting bigger too.

Sorry I don't have a picture, wish I had a better answer.

I'll make a note of that. wrt rhomboids, I haven't trained my upper back as much as my lats so I'll try to give them some attention.

Do you know some good exercises for rotator cuff and multifidus/spinalis? I am doing deadlifts and RDLs so I imagine they will work the spinalis to a heavy degree.

focus on back and core dont cut. slow Bulk iranian genes are bulking genes you will look good

Cant we have a decent body without bulking? For people recommending to bulk, maybe what you think our goal body is jacked like thor but what if i just wanna look lean and have some definition?

Here is my back

Then fucking cut you stupid motherfucker

Forgot pic

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Idk if I'm doing the pose wrong here or if my back is just underwhelming. I think my back needs work

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Why is bulk always the default answer everywhere though

>I was 158-ish lbs and way more belly fat and more jelly man tits. My chest is more muscle than fat now and my shoulders have gotten a bit more capped since then
So you definitely "maingained" if that is a thing then. Your height and weight is the exact same as mine but I look kinda smaller than you, probably because I haven't trained as long consistently.

ofc I do, user, otherwise I wouldn't have tried to AROUSE your interest

- rhomboids
>reverse dumbbell flies
I prefer to do them bending over, standing on a slantboard so it's a built-in hamstring stretch too.

- rotator cuff
>external rotation with resistance band
Pretty straightforward, you stand upright, hold your band with both hands (elbows tucked in, forearms horizontal) and you simply stretch the band horizontally with both hands (elbows stay tucked in ant forearms horizontal).

- multifidus/spinalis
>chest ups + headbacks
Now this is a tricky thing and is my own "invention" - I didn't really encounter a simple isolation exercise that worked them well enough. Basically you stand straight and lift your chest up (the feeling is that your pecs become sometthing of shelf) as much as you can. When you can feel the muscles struggle in the middle of your back that's jackpot. Also in this position you pull back your head and tuck your chin in which is also a great combination against forwardhead/hunchback/officecreep syndrome.

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