Is Any Forums more a weightlifting board or a general fitness board?

Is Any Forums more a weightlifting board or a general fitness board?

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We dropped the "Health" part of "Health & Fitness" in 2013 I think. Any Forums used to be a bodybuilder circle jerk w/ PLG and OLG (which died out) and the rest was bodybuilding threads sprinkled in with some HTAM threads, but now it's just a spillover from Any Forums with a few fitness related threads sporadically placed.

>OLG (which died out)
I miss you commissar :(

Or it may have been OWG I can't remember now.

Fit is a coomer board with fat fucks larping as "permabulking powerlifters" to cope with the fact they can't run for 5 minutes without dying. Also its a bunch of fat fucks jerking off to fat chicks while coping its "high test" to be attracted to litteral cows and eating piles of junk food is "bulking food".
Just go to the nearest fph thread and see how many coomers there are over there.


Damn bro why you gotta bring that feel up

Who was the German kid who'd always post? Seems like his sole purpose in life was to keep OWG/OLG up and running. Was it Commissar?

truly horrendous feet, those fucking nails

Commie is American, so I don't think so. I dunno who you're talking about.
Everyone on /owg/ used to talk in some instagram groupchat. Does anyone know anyone on it? Or commie's insta or something?

It's been so long since I participated in an /owg/ My old trip is Sparta...most people don't remember it. I'm trying for the life of me to remember that German kid's name...I didn't have IG back then, either, so I didn't make it to the GC. Fuck man I'm not gonna be able to sleep until I remember that dude's trip...

It’s Any Forums for anons who workout

I don't even remember my trip. I only participated for a few months, but I spoke to commie a lot. I don't remember your trip. :(

fitness is synonymous with weight lifting, for me. everything else builds on that strength

>I don't remember your trip. :(
Shit, that was nearly a decade ago. Dang. Well shoot, it's good to see there's still some semi-old Any Forums fags floating around who remember the good ol' days.


That's the German fucker's name. Paz or Pas.

> Shit, that was nearly a decade ago.
For me I think it was in late 2018 mostly. I found commie's old insta, but it's dead:

Do you recognize this guy? Know if he was from /owg/?

That makes sense, then. I stopped posting in /owg/ in 2014 I believe. Whelp I'm off to bed, take care brother.

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Night night fren

No I don't recognize him

How do we bring back the old Any Forums?
Pas posted a link to this account

Rangeban Americans and Chinese.
Ban all political/race bait posts